is memorial a good occassion for single girls to meet a future husband?
My thoughts and observations re: the Memorial
by 144001 21 Replies latest jw friends
Spirituk - nope - you'll be competing with about 6 other girls who are willing to submit to their future hubby - that didn't sit too well with me *single lady*
really strange that I went , there was an, " anointed ", giving the sermon, familiar with him , studied with him , he's from etheopia . I don't think anyone repatrioted to the US is qualified to be one anyway, since they do have to swear obedience and recognize the US government as their ruling authority to come here . It was the usual magic trick of eating some motza and sipping some wine ,of which I left during just to beat the traffic jam on the way out . They do cherry pick scripture .Nothing personal but believe you have to reject all human authority to qualify . I even had sreaming baby behind me ,, yikes, but momma decides to take her out the room . No spanking ,, good momma ....
Dismissing servant
Tammy: It is damage control. The WTS changed the manuscript just recently.
Spirituk and LouBelle: So you didn't bother to have a try at memorial last night? Nor did I! :-)
Did the speaker spend time explaining why the Jews have Passover wrong and they (JWs) have the correct date.
Yeah......I got dragged to that wastefest with the wife also.
The speaker at her hall pulled out the usual props to demonstrate our imperfection.........two baking dented....the other not. I was sitting there thinking, how lame is that!!!!
I also remember him titillating the kids about them having their very own lion to pet and snake to play with in the new system. No mention on whether or not Caleb would be there since he had that love affair with Sparlock!!!!
Funny thing, I'm sitting in the hall in a corner before ceremony wastefest starts trying to look as inconspicuous as possible when all of a sudden, I am accosted by a bunch of teen girls in high heels and tight dresses wanting to introduce themselves to me and shake my hand.
Is that what their recruiting efforts have come down to?
The fixed, empty facial expressions of the mentally enslaved who attended were kind of disturbing to me. I felt like I was in a room filled with robots.
That is exactly what I told my wife -- ROBOTS -- and that they cannot think on their own. It's the way the WTS wants it.
They're not expressionless because they're robots, they're just bored.
sitting through my annual visit to a kingdom hall tonight
LOL... me too. Memorial season is the one time of year where family go out of their way to coerce me to go. Instead of creating fights and resentment, I go. Some years I get out of it, some years, not so much. But, it's one hour. Big Deal.
I pay attention more to the Memorial talk now, than I ever did when I was 'in'. And when you actually pay attention and use critical thinking, you realize just how illogical the whole thing is. It don't make a lick of sense.
The talk seems to veer further and further away from Jesus each year. Very little was actually said about him, other than the sacrifice he made for me and you. Hell, Adam got as much attention as Jesus. And then a large portion of the talk is about who partakes and why you don't. An equally large portion is geared to making you look forward to paradise, as a distraction from actually thinking through the illogic of it all.
Here's one thing that stood out to me - they didn't announce how many partook last year. In fact, they said very little about the actual class of partakers, other than trying to explain how they know they're of the anointed. Maybe because I know about the definition change of the Faithful and Discreet Slave it jumped out at me, but it seemed like the first step in devaluing the anointed remnant as a special class. This kind of ties into the 'two hopes' thing mentioned by others. Instead of a F&DS class that has heavenly hope and is of special importance, they're bringing the anointed (no longer the F&DS) down to our level, except they have a heavenly hope as opposed to everyone else's earthly one. Two hopes, equal significance. Only the GB, as the F&DS class, are looked to as having special significance.
In years past, they used to read a lot from the actual gospels, explaining how Jesus' last days ended and his talk with his apostles and his last prayer with them. Not anymore. They only read one or two scriptures from Luke and the rest is from 1 Corinthians and Isaiah...that's right Isaiah...and the 144,000 one in Revelation (how they do jump around).
I don't know 'bout y'all - but I thought the memorial of someone's death was about, you know, the one that died. Not the JW Memorial of Jesus' death. It's a bait and switch. Get you in on the premise of one thing and then turn it around to something else.
In short - it's a cult.
dog is god
Hey Undercover, you made a great point. Soon they will have New Light about the "Annointed Ones" that it only applies to their Corporate ooops I mean Governing Body.