Even as an elder, I had doubts as to this being "the one true religion". I personally had chosen 2014 as one of those "make or break" dates. Fortunately, I left years ago. But I wonder how many still in have drawn a line in the sand realizing a century of warning people of impending doom is counterproductive and a terrible waste of time. To those lurking & still in, 2014 is a realistic date to expect "the end". After all, in Jesus original prophesy, a generation to him was 37 years. So, you've wasted enough of your lives. The countdown begins. Start planning your exit. Let's see if we can get a few million out. As always; Live Well....Enjoy Life.
100 Years of Disappointment on the Horizon
by mrquik 38 Replies latest jw friends
I don't hold out much hope that many who are still really in will ever leave, they will die as members of the cult.
Those who are in, but even partially awake, may well call it a day soon, I hope so, every person that leaves has an effect, even though that effect may not be obvious.
It is time this Corporation masquerading as a religion shrivelled to nothing.
Designer Stubble
Many persons have left mentally, but remain in physically. That is why so many publishers are either inactive or punch only token FS hours. They cannot leave as their conditional friendships will cease. People naturally resist change. This is no different when it comes to religion.
From what I see with my family still in, they have seen first-hand that virtually all friendships I built over the decades ceased and know this is what awaits them if they follow. They however fail to see the blessings of true freedom. The five years since leaving are the best years of my life!
The WBT$ has set up mechanisms to keep even the strongest doubter in it's grip. The GB are still spouting hate crime and instilling fear into the JWs.
However, I'm sure there are many more to come out yet and 2014 might be a milestone as was 1975 for some.
I hope the WBT$ dies on it's arse!
Big Mama
I agree completely with Mr Q. I seems that the only loving thing to do is to try to educate people about what they are involved in. For some, ignorance has been, currently is, and always will be, bliss. But even those should not be ignorant of what the WTB&TS is, and what Jehoavh's Witnesses are. To that end I send out emails to those who's addresses I have informing them of past and current events of the Dubs. Subjects I have covered include a political history of the Witnesses from pre-WWII anti-Semitism and sympathy for Hitler's Nazi Germany, thru the U.N. debacle, and including the OSCE. Also baptism, and it's not meeting Jesus' instructions to 'baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy ghost'. Of course the pedophile situation hasn't been overlooked either. I try to make clear that my purpose is simply education. Once a person knows, they can make a wise choice for themselves whether or not to get involved or remain involved.
I have been anticipating the 100 year mark also; wondering (hoping) that it may mark a '100 year revolution'. I doubt that such a thing will happen, but the work of educating needs to continue. I have been 'out' 5 1/2 years and treasure the freedom it has bought me. Phizzy, the only way it can shrivel to nothing is thru a concerted education of those still in, who have the fortitude to look at both sides of the coin, as we have. Designer Stubble: I'm with you...it's hard. The best thing we can do is try to share truth about the truth the with others. To that end, we should promote the soon-to-be-released movie "Truth Be Known" www.hereliesthetruth.com as best as we are able.
it was for me, I was out, yet still in mentally.. It was a future date I had set for myself to look at the religion I was brought up in...(2014)
I had quit smoking in 2007 and I thought I could get reinstated .. put off looking till 2009 .. WOW !! then put off again till 2011.. WOW again ..
I thought they would die with Freddie Franz.. because in my brief stint at bethal in 1984, I thought .. "they worship this guy".
even if they bust up, a new one will takes it's place, some people don't want to think for themselves.. that would make them responsible. and that's more than some wish to bear.. I'm afraid
It will be intersting to see what watchtower or awake they bring out.
My "make or break date" was 2012. I didn't last that long. One of the final wake up calls for me was seeing a black man elected as POTUS. It didn't have anything to do with politics but struck me at my core that we live in a world of possibility. Which is completely contrary to what's taught by the Jehovah's Witnesses religion.
Honestly, I didn't understand why all the minorities just didn't get up and walk away. I understand now and hope that maybe 2014 will have a few folks scratching their heads.
My memories go back to the early 1980’s and for as long as I can remember I’ve heard “we know we are at deep into the times of the end because this ol’ system can’t get much worse”
Iron Curtain- “Can’t get much worse”
Soviet Collapse- OH THE KING OF THE XXX has fallen… “can’t get much worse”
An earthquake- “Sign of the times can’t get much worse”
A Storm- “Sign of the times can’t get much worse”
Space shuttle disaster- “Can’t get much worse”
Genocide in Europe- “can’t get much worse” Note… modern genocides really don’t even compare to the biblical ones supposedly caused by their just god.
Terrorist bombings- “can’t get much worse”
My favorites are the wars… every time we have a modern war its obviously the beginning of Armageddon
Economic troubles- “here we go!” I knew several people who went and bought new cell phones so their book study conductor could call them and let them know when to go hide at the kingdom hall so they could survive the apocalypse.
9/11/01- Put your helmets on folks this is THE BIG ONE
The market collapse in 09- “IT BEGINS!”
School Shootings- “Can’t get much worse”
The funny thing to me from a historical prospective is that we really are living in the best time period in human history. We have small wars and disagreements but the casualty numbers are almost laughable compared to the wars of the middle ages or even biblical times. Modern medicine is at the point that having a limb blown off doesn’t mean a lifetime of pain and suffering OR immediate death. We don’t have mass plagues anymore that wipeout huge %’s of the world population every few years. We can *grow* new organs and limbs and successfully transplant them into people who need them. We have the technology and the infrastructure to put boots and supplies on the ground where a natural disaster strikes within hours of it happening on the other side of the world. We have all but ended the lovely biblical establishment known as slavery… but somehow we are living in the end of times and have been for the past 100 years. These people just ignore the facts.
100 years on and life is better, the world is a nicer place, people are better humans.
Its quite repulsive that some are determined to see the world differently. Name a year you would rather be alive in!