Do you think that generally there is a fall in interest in the 'memorial'(TM) of late?

by punkofnice 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I remember the days when the mock the Christ ritual memorial would have the Kingdum hell brimming.

    I haven't been for at least 2 years.....and I'll never go again unless I'm offered a substantial amount of money to do so.

    The last mock the Christ memorial I went to the side rooms were used but the hall still had spare seats.

    I know the overall speed of the 'growth(TM)' seems to be slackenning off so I guess the pass the cutlery ritual will be in decline by way of attendance too.

    I think some of the peak in attendance was where Kingdum Hells were merged.

    What say you?

  • leaving_quietly

    Our cong. had it's largest attendance ever for a Memorial last night. Let's just say around 120% over the number of actual number of members. Some were inactive ones, some were Bible studies, and a few were from the invitations. I do think our cong. is unusual in that there's a fairly large number of Bible studies being conducted. A few attend the KH. We have had a small amount of growth over the past few years this way.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I remember my old cong peeking at 240+ for the memorial about 15 years ago, it has been in continual decline since then, ... 145 (ish) the last 2 years in a row.

  • punkofnice

    leaving_quietly - Is there a paticular type of person or reason for the studies in your area would you say?

    WMF - May the decline ever continue. I used to get sick of hearing that the proof of Jehovah(TM) blessing the organization(TM) was observable by the growth!

  • leaving_quietly
    Is there a paticular type of person or reason for the studies in your area would you say?

    We have lots of pioneers, and they are generally very nice people people, not the usual self-righteous type. I think they simply have a way about them. Other than that, I can't really put my finger on it. I can say that I've seen studies come and go, and only a very small number have made it to baptism. I can think of three in the past five years: two quit attending shortly thereafter, and one of those two was recently DF'd. The third one is the only one still in. We had one fellow become an unbaptized publisher, but then shortly thereafter stop attending, saying he had doubts. I suspect he found his way here or to jwfacts. He moved out of the area, so I never did get a chance to ask him. We've had others attend for a few meetings, then quit. It's interesting to watch the ebb and flow.

  • punkofnice

    leaving_quietly - That's interesting. Looks like 'studies(TM)' soon wise up and leave. Not really 'growth(TM)' I'm glad to say.

  • DesirousOfChange

    LEAVING_QUIETLY: I can say that I've seen studies come and go, and only a very small number have made it to baptism. I can think of three in the past five years: two quit attending shortly thereafter, and one of those two was recently DF'd. The third one is the only one still in. We had one fellow become an unbaptized publisher, but then shortly thereafter stop attending, saying he had doubts.

    That's the same scenario I see here locally. One or two BS that occasionally attend. This is a demographically diverse area. Some affluent, middle class neighboorhoods, and some blue collar, to almost rural territory.

    There was one family, quite affluent, one kid in a good school and the kid was the family member with real interest in religion. Mom worked with a JW in the Cong. Family was attending Sundays for quite some time, then that faded, then just Memorial the past two years. Don't know if they made it last night or not. I suspect son got to point of college and family didn't like the WT view. Son may have also gotten "educated" about the Org from searching online (jwfacts, etc). Father was least interested, and astute businessman. Wouldn't be surprised if his circle of friends helped open his eyes.

    FALL IN INTEREST? In the USA -- Over 60,000 less attending in 2012 than in 2011. Anxious to see the 2013 attendance figures.


  • punkofnice

    Doc -

    Anxious to see the 2013 attendance figures.

    Yes. That'll be very interesting........if the WBT$ isn't tweaking them to look good.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I think it is very significant that quite a few in our congregation who have been JW's for many years, failed to turn up due to being 'unwell'. Arrangements were always made to collect the old and infirm that had been unable to attend since last year.

    Years ago nothing would prevent attendance at the memorial. Now it's just another meeting.


  • punkofnice

    St George - Yes. Illness was no deterrent from the mock the Christ memorial when I was in. It was unheard of to miss it.

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