Foot in mouth again - sigh

by new22day 10 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • new22day

    My ex bf, newly reinstated JW, was texting me that his 75 year old parents (uber dubs) are giving him grief about taking on some debt to buy a new truck to invest in his new job. They thought he should just resume his old window cleaning biz. So I told him just to tell them not to worry about the debt since it will be wiped clean in the new system, which is right around the corner.

    Whoops -- I thought I was being clever but apparently my comment offended him. I don't get where the lines are drawn with the JWs...? Phew, I don't know how you people navigate this stuff, honestly.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    You may have come across as sarcastic.. :)

  • Splash

    Tell him that the Soc are investing in a multi million dollar, multi year project to move upstate in NY, so what he's doing is also shrewd and planning for the future.


  • new22day

    Quiet One - you picked up my sarcasm too, eh? Damn, thought I could play innocent.

    Splash - ha, ha, that's great reasoning. I like it. If I use it though he'll see horns growing from my head. I prob need to lay off for a bit.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Don't worry. It's not you! JW's are always quick to take offense and be offended over the least little thing. I should know because I was one for 40 + years

    I always say "When the WTBT$ starts to live simply and not relying on their stocks & bonds [gambling in the stock market] then I WILL!"

    Affectionately Brother of the Hawk

  • zeb

    Good one Splash,

    and mention also the million dollar convention centre they have just opened in New York state.

    new22day... chuckle. well done. I could imagine their conversation on the matter going on and on all through lunch with a million quotes all beginning with "The society says..."

    Well done you answered with the same sort of logic and cut that jw of their vintage would have used for years on others.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't try to navigate around anything. If a JW is offended by their own doctrine, they have to deal with it, not you.

    If anything, they should be made to confront everything they don't like about their church and it's doctrines. This includes anything they find embarrasing, unchristion, non-humanitarian, or hard to swallow.

  • Fernando

    Excellent comment.

    Maybe he missed that it was not directed at him, but rather at his parents.

  • Mum

    Get used to it. Are you sure you want a JW boyfriend? You're not going to marry him, are you? If you do marry him, don't have children!

  • Mum

    Ooooops! You said Ex-boyfriend. I apologize for going off on you.

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