How many congregations meet there? If only two,I don't see how it had to be so late,maybe 9 pm at the latest.
Congregation had to relocate Memorial...thanks to me
by Shepherd Book 73 Replies latest jw experiences
Well i for one am delighted they had to move, remember they moved of their own choice. The memorial is nothing but a waste of time, and am glad that i no longer attend.
Whoever made the arrangements for the comunity center must have been the same JW's who registered
with the UN/DPI.
They forgot to read the small print in the contract.
I don't believe they forgot to read it.....just ignored it as not applying to them...
just as they ignore no trespassing and no soliciting signs.....
Anony Mous
I actually had the same idea a couple of days ago... what if we called the cops on them since they are offering/serving alcohol in company to minors without even as much as a liquor license.
What I see clearly from this is that the Churches are better than the Jws.
The local Churches complied with the rules whereas the JWs were being fraudulent.
So much for Babylon the Great(TM) being the criminal here.
If I believed in god I'd be darned certain he wasn't with the JWs on this.
The WBT$ breeds pious pillocks.
No one is above the law.
Calebs Airplane
all kingdumb hells should require a liquor permit for the Jesus Rejection Ritual...
I don't really think the OP did anything wrong, especially since he says his intention was not to get them kicked out. However, for all those saying "nobody is above the law" and "rules are rules" and that kind of thing, I'm assuming you don't have a problem when the WTS does little petty things to enforce laws the violations of which seem kind of harmless. Like getting websites to take down materials for copyright violations and that kind of thing.
maybe there was a bad holy spirit connection when jehovah gave the elders the specifics...I hate when that happens