Just found this on YouTube...
Not that I blame them for making the most of an otherwise dreary event, but I've never known a memorial to be treated like a high school prom before!
by cedars 11 Replies latest jw friends
Just found this on YouTube...
Not that I blame them for making the most of an otherwise dreary event, but I've never known a memorial to be treated like a high school prom before!
wth? @ 2:50 they are sing a song about a crack addict whore ...? because it says angels to fly? in it?
Cedars, this is how we celebrate after the memorial among Spanish JW's. Nothing new to me... My wife and I took almost identical pictures and later a group went to a restaurant to eat dinner. I bought my wife a new Calvin Klein dress and I wore a nice tuxedo. After all was done I said to my wife how different was the night Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, and how they were all dressed with their everyday clothing and nothing fancy or hip. She simply stated we need to look good for respect to God.
The memorial was always one of the best excuses to get a new dress!
The Memorial was the one and only celebration we were allowed. We always had to make it the best as children becuase it was our one and only time to have an excuse to buy new clothes and dress up. In later years I did her Elders say we shouldn't make it our day by dressing up but we ignored this advice because it was our day of celebration.
Yup. only time other than school starting to get new clothes. We used to color coordinate or dress like twins. Then we went out to dinner afterwards.
A number of folks I knew from years ago used the Memorial as party time. Events were planned months ahead of time. Many had after Memorial parties etc. New clothes were almost mandatory along with trip to hair /nail salon.
I always thought it was odd how everyone dressed to the 9s and went out after. I enjoyed it..but thought it odd. Perhaps to make up for Easter Sunday..........??
LOL!! Brentwood, CA.
Southern California, LA Brentwood is where Kate Hudson and other Hollywood celebraties live. Nice digs for a Spanish hall!!!!
Northern California, Brentwood, CA (English) I hear that is the famous Bay Area (Delta-Discovery Bay) hall where Candice Conti's molester has moved too. Other famous past attendees are the famous JW couple "Garridos" who kidnapped and raped JC Dugard at their Pittsburg home. Rumor has it some other unsavory activities going on there with Elders/Servants and baby sitters. Glad these kids hang out in a group.
Very nice upscale digs as well.
They were always fashion shows here too, followed by sugar overload at a local ice cream shop. Everyone had new hairdos, manicures, new dresses, etc.
I always thought it would be interesting to show up to the Memorial in full Easter regalia--hat, white patent leather shoes, matching purse and gloves. "We're nothing like other churches"...mmm...not so much.