Its easy to look around and say if a singular all powerful were real he would stop the suffering of man and animal, a position i support. However there is another even more basic premise i have pondered at times as well (im sure im not the first of course) : would any loving parent ever HIDE from their children?
Consider it... Our all knowing all loving father hides from us even though we cry out to know him. One of his so called authoritatve works says he created us with a spritual need, defined as a need to know him.... And yet this being refuses to talk to us, even once, in the course of our lives. At best he expects us to look at the world around us and get a sense of him. Wouldnt this be akin to having children, giving them a house but never meeting them. Then when they are adults telling them they should love you and should have KNOWN you cared for them because the house they live in must have come from somewhere?
the whole concept is rediculious and yet to a billion people its everyday "logic".