Hello BlindersOff1, many thanks for posting this. I like the focus on the mindset seen in fundamentalist religions and it widens the consideration of the potentially damaging impact of these religions on those raised in them. Paradoxically, some of these religions accuse the JWs of being dangerous whilst conveniently ignoring their own questionable teachings and indoctrination methods. Fear, obligation and guilt (FOG) rule supreme. They share so much in common with the witnesses it's creepy.2
How Some Organized Religion Leads to Mental Health Problems
by BlindersOff1 12 Replies latest watchtower medical
Julia Orwell
For years doctors couldn't find out why I was tired and stressed and fearful and drained all the time, no matter how many tests they did on me. This article, in light of how much better I've been feeling since beginning the freedom process, makes so much sense!!
Thanks for sharing!!
It does explain allot doesnt it