North Korea - U.S - War ?

by *lost* 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*

    Things look to be hotting up here. Scary.

    What are the chances of it all kicking off ?

  • TotallyADD

    North Korea is a cult nations. They worship their war machine and that little guy who runs it. I so feel the new leader has no say in anything and the military runs the show while he is just a figure head. One good thing I think China has had enough of North Korea shit. China knows where their money is invested in and were it is coming from. Hands off the golden goose. But I may be wrong. North Korea is one wacky nation for sure. Totally ADD

  • Terry

    The whole thing is baloney.

    Saber rattling is the term for it.

    I watched a kitten puff up its fur the other day as a dog approached.

    It pranced sideways and hissed with its hair sticking out jaggedly in all directions.

    North Korea is a teeny weeny smudge of a country with a sociopath government.

    Think of it the same way you think of the Governing Body threatening Armageddon on all the nations and churches.

    It is that kind of mentality.

    It means nothing.

    The more we get jangled and send B2 bombers over the more important they feel.

    That's really all there is to it.

    Sadaam Hussein went into Kuwait and got wiped out. That lesson hangs high in the memory of dictators.

    Our resources are stretched thin by the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq and we are broke.

    So North Korea knows we can't take on another war.

    They are exploiting our weakness by this fur-puffing and big bad wolfery.

  • *lost*

    Obama - China. there's a bit of a ruffle going on there. China have gotten too big now. U.S not the world superpower it once was.

    interesting things may be about to happen.

  • Glander

    I tend to agree with Terry. It is all bluster which in the past has led to concessions and benefits for them, a form of extortion.

    However , they are now ruled by the "kid" who may be stupider than he looks.

  • Kensei01

    My two cents: North Korea won't attack conventionally. Certainly not in the spring when the rains make roads, rice paddies and the like very hard for mechanized warfare. Winter is a much better time. In a conventional war NK loses. South Korea trades territory for time with US allies and then waits for NK overextention then counter attacks. The NK armed forces though very powerful on paper would have great difficulty operating for an extended time. Thier troops don't even eat meat regularly. A tough nut to crack if the south tried to invade but a regime ending campaign if the north attempts to attack.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    New king of the North? Invading the land of the Decoration?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    North Korea's just posturing. They don't want it, they really don't.

  • redvip2000

    No. It will not happen.

    What is happening right now, is that N. Koreans are looking at this chubby short korean kid that is running their country and are losing respect for him.

    So in order to bolster his image and make him look tough and decisive, the people that control him (yes he is a puppet), are putting this threatening and bully-type stance against the US - which is who N. Koreans typically see as their enemy.

    And for those of you who think S. Korea is our friend, don't be mistaken. The goverment of S. Korea puts up with us in exchange of trade and military perks, but the population itself has disdain for americans. I personally got into heated arguments and was threatened with violence on subways and other public places in Seoul, simply because the locals heard my american accent.

    One time i was sitting in a subway talking to a friend and an old man, got up from his seat and stood in from of me yelling in Korean with his finger pointed at me.

  • heathen

    I agree it's probably just scare tactics in an attempt to get aid since they don't have any food . Black mail seems to be their main MO .

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