Good Friday, bloody good times had by all

by designs 25 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    Penitants from all over the world will reenact the Crucifixion scene with some literally being nailed to a Cross. Others will walk on their knees bleeding, holding candles, saying prayers. In thousands of Churches around the world the Mel Gibsonish scene of a pulverized Jesus will pull at the emotions of Christians.

    As JWs we always saw this rather bloodless sanitary Nordic looking Jesus to deal with but within the Catholic and Protestant Churches this is their week to go full on corporal.

    What do you suppose the fascination is with the Crucifixion.

  • Sulla

    "Behold the wood of the cross, upon which hung the salvation of the world."

    What's the big deal, indeed?

    Better question: why do you pretend not to understand this?

  • designs

    S- it is 2013 and a few centuries into the the Age of Enlightenment, that these old relics of human barberism still hold a large segment of the population spell-bound you have to ask the basic questions.

    Literally hundreds of millions of people today will put more emotion into their lives than that JW kid doing the sign-language video on self-pleasuring.

  • Sulla

    I understand, designs, that you never grow tired of self-congratulation. You, who until recently, preached door-to-door for an apocalyptic sect have made quite the evolutionary jump, haven't you? Tell me, though, what is it that makes you think your oinions are useful, given that you recently were a leader in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion? Shouldn't your personal history of believing absurd things make you more cautious about your opinions, rather than less?

  • designs

    Asking the right questions and listening to my inner voice helped get me out of that religion.

    So the 'wood of the cross' is the salvation of the world- how and to whom is this score settled. Who needed to see blood spilled.

  • 144001

    [I understand, designs , that you never grow tired of self-congratulation. You, who until recently, preached door-to-door for an apocalyptic sect have made quite the evolutionary jump, haven't you? Tell me, though, what is it that makes you think your oinions are useful, given that you recently were a leader in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion? Shouldn't your personal history of believing absurd things make you more cautious about your opinions, rather than less? ]

    Sulia, you ought to review the "Posting Guidelines" below. Under posting guideline "1", below, you are asked to avoid "insulting, threatening or provoking language." Your post above is clearly insulting and intended to provoke hostilities with Designs. Guideline 10 asks users to please avoid "posting an off-topic comment." Your post above is not on topic; rather it is an ugly personal attack that has no relation to the topic.

    In addition to violating the posting guidelines, your post above is mean-spirited and unwarranted. Nothing Designs posted warranted your ugly response.

    I think you owe Designs an apology.

  • AnnOMaly

    144001, don't worry, they are old acquaintances. They have always been very direct with each other and can give as good as they get. Sit back and watch what promises to be an interesting dialog unfold.

  • Phizzy

    I think Easter Sunday is very important to Christians, as Paul says, it encapsulates the Good News "Christ resurrected".

    The sadness of Good Friday is over on Sunday, all is joy for Christians.

  • cantleave

    Who cares about the cross, it's the chocolate that counts!

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    Who cares about the cross, it's the chocolate that counts!

    I'm kinda pissed this morning. Didn't want any chocolate, but I got up early this morning to get some breakfast at a favorite spot of mine. Their sausage links and potatos are serious business. So I get there, and wouldn't you know because of this stupid Good Friday nonsense, they're only serving coffee and pastries. Ohhhh that irritated me this morning!!!!

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