If Someone Goes To The Memorial It's A Huge Deal! Do You Know Why???

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Phizzy, I don't post as much as before but I do think I'm up there.

  • clearpoison

    We were told in several occasions (speech, CO visit, assemblies) that as witnesses were (back then) over 6 millions the attendant count in memorial showed the true immediate potential. It would have been about the double amount witnesses if all those in memorial audience could be converted (sorry that word was forbidden). If they cared so much that they attended memorial it shouldn't be that difficult to encourage them to other meetings too.

    I think that was very easy way to tell the people that we are going to right direction, look what we could achieve if we just would do even more and better. If memorial attendance would have been the same as in regular meeting it could have led people thinking what is the point.

    The eager interested ones you could attract to regular meetings, but only other occasions where you could show your interested studies or magazine routes physically were actually memorial and assemblies in some extent.


  • Giordano

    Sorry....it's just another event I can't wear sweat pants to.

  • carla

    Do jw's realize that churches are overcrowded on Easter ( & Christmas) services? Many people go to church twice a year and jw's always have something snarky to say about that! Yet it is the same thing in their own kh's, people attend once a year and they get all excited?!


    Anyone who has awakened to TTATT and conscientiously left the organization--especially a once-prominent individual from a prominent multi-generational tribe of JWs after decades of devout, high-profile "serve-us"--- who continues to put in an annual appearance at the Memorial thoroughly subverts and undermines, by this one act, a ny hope s/he may entertain that his/her departure will stir former "friends" to question the whole Watchtower bamboozle. By this one concession s/he assigns him-/herself by every single JW to their handy and dimissive purgatory: " spiritually-weak."

    Nothing blasts a louder, clearer, and more deliberate message to the JWs who personally know you and those familiar with your JW bona fides that you are not merely "not making the meetings" or "spiritually-weak" but that you have conscientiously rejected the entire Watchtower Society swindle than choosing to forego what they know you know to be their one-and-only holy and sacred event of the year, the Lord's Evening Meal. Such a disregard cannot be mistaken.

    Conversely, every appearance you continue to make at the Memorial allows JWs to confirm that they're right and, thereby, superior and that you are one to be judged and looked down upon because you couldn't/didn't cut it. It says "I'm not 'spiritually-mature' enough to make the weekly meetings regularly or to go out in field service, but I know this is The Truth so I must attend the Memorial." You hand them the very justification they so relish to self-righteously ridicule you later as a "submarine Witness."

    Attending the Watchtower's Lord's Evening Meal is a colossally misguided step for anyone whose intention or desire it is to stir others to consciousness.


    Captive 7/1972 - 2/2001

    Last Memorial attendance: April 8, 2001 (...while my husband continues faithfully attending it and every other meeting year-in and year-out)

  • LongHairGal


    I think you are right. They think "maybe he/she is coming back".

    In many cases, though, it is to keep peace in a family situation and those people don't want to be there and can't wait to run out the door.

    I agree with some here who feel that going gives a wrong impression and that your presence will be interpreted by some that "you still believe".

  • mamochan13

    Well said, AMnesiano. While I can perhaps understand the reasoning of those who "do it for family", your point about Memorial attendance causing you to be identified as "submarine witness" is an important one. In their eyes, if you attend, you are still a JW on some level.

  • Desilusionnee

    ... "submarine witness"...that's exactly the reason why I didn't attend this year.

  • AudeSapere

    Amnesian - So nicely put. Never heard it put so clearly.

    I absolutely agree with your POV.

    -AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)

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