Governing Body Put Down Education Because The Sad Facts Show Higher Education Leads Lower Bull Tollerance

by frankiespeakin 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    As lamented by members of the Governing Body Higher education is causeing many to leave the organization and so it is demonized by them.

    Subjects The Governing Body would hate to see young one study are numerous. They would like to keep things very simple it is easier to control people. they would prefere to go backward in technology to the time the first printing presses back in the 16th century, that is the level they work best at.




    Natural Science

    Earth Science

    Life Science




  • Slavenomore

    Franky, plus None of those areas of study would be helpful on a quick build! Alas if the youth spend their time on higher education who would hang the drywall?


  • flipper

    " Governing Body Jerks Put Down Education Because The Sad Facts Show Higher Education Leads to Lower Bull Sit Tolerance ". Precisely, I agree. They want JW's to stay ignorant and uninformed so they can be controlled

  • Satanus

    True. I was just thinking about all of the infrastucture that would never had been built, if people in charge listened to wt predictions. Things like bridges, hydro electric generating dams, flood controls, schools, universities, hospitals. According to the wt, these things are all pointless, cuz jay hoover will shortly solve all problems by killing practically everyone.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    College-level English/Writing/Speech courses would also need to be added to their list of forbidden courses, since they stress "critical thinking skills". These are manditory courses that, when properly taught, cause a student to examine what they believe.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Romans 13. If the political and judicial 'superior authorities' stand placed in their relative positions by God as his 'servant' to prevent a world of anarchy and chaos, the same logically applies to the world's higher learning institutions. It is disgustingly hypocritical of the Watchtower Society to discourage JW's from studying to be a lawyer, for example, and then use the world's legal system to defend its right to religious freedom. Same with medical research and education.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    So glad I'm breaking the cycle in my JW family. I been promoting college for my daughter since middle school and she is in a fantastic college prep high school now. Although I have a great job now, I'm heading back to college in the fall. I've always disagreed with WT teachings on higher education and involvement in school sports. I only learned the TTATT a few months ago, but I have a whole new plan for my future that I'm really excited about. Carpe Diem!

    Whatever nonsense The GB is responsible for causing, tomorrow is a new day. We each have the power to start over. Also, I think if your topic left out the word jerks and bs, it would be piqué more interest by lurkers. And it's tolerance. Just saying.

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes I can see your point. But you see I only want to comfirm what people have already been thinking, so I'm not trying to get lots of views to my topic. I don't worry about stumbling anybody with my theme. They can look what's inside if they want.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    True. I'm new and still in the mode of "How can I get others I care about thinking and onto this site?" Just thinking of the two months I lurked and was still nervous about "apostates" and their negativity, as projected by the GB. I was leery of clicking on certain threads, based on the subject line. I enjoy a lot of your topics.

  • WTWizard

    Get that higher education. You don't have to go into debt to do that--I don't care where you get it from. You can educate yourself these days almost as well by researching things online as you could by attending those pricey colleges. And especially research things pertaining to your religion. If you are unaffiliated, you are best to research thoroughly whatever religions you might later attempt to take up. Much research and little committing usually leads to a better decision when you are ready--and yes, you need to be thorough. Research the Christian religions, even ones you don't intend to join. Get familiar with the Jewish and Muslim religions, even if you don't want to become one--good research can help you rule out things as well as joining.

    You also should research subjects such as basic math and science. Almost everyone at some point makes the mistake of assuming something without doing your research. You see this posted here, research it yourself and draw your own conclusions. Try to become good at math. Try to improve your reading skills. Work on thinking skills--this is extremely important. And that can best be done by looking at other areas where heated debates and fights are going on--checking out alternate cancer cures, alternate sources of energy, whether your dollar or euro will buy anything next year, and so on will help there. Look at those sites that are not "politically correct". The object is not to blindly go there or take up that side of the issue, but to learn to make your own decisions and to recognize what is bunk and what is sound. Check both sides of these issues--and learn to recognize what is valid.

    Doing that might not sound as "cool" as going to college. However, you might wish to ask if you are prepared to take on the debt load. Those of you who are older might never make enough money to pay off those bills. But, almost anyone with an internet connection and the will to go out of your comfort zone and into politically incorrect areas, including the most "offensive" ones and do research on both sides of the issue, can become a better independent thinker. For instance, you could check out a few anti-Semite sites and then a few philo-Semite ones to compare. Or, compare natural cancer cures with allopathic. Or theories about alternative energy with mainstream. Or whatever will stimulate your thinking and force you to work outside your comfort zone. Much research, little commitment, and you learn the most.

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