ALL you ever need to know to understand NEW LIGHT (for what it really is)

by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    And the amazing thing is jehovah`s witnesses still think it is the "Truth" What truth !?


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Do you ever think about anything else but JW stuff Terry?

  • Terry

    Do you ever think about anything else but JW stuff Terry?

    Well, you mean on a Jehovah's Witness Discussion Board? Or, life in general?

    Of course. Why do you ask this question?

  • Terry

    And the amazing thing is jehovah`s witnesses still think it is the "Truth" What truth !?


    I think the Jehovah's Witness religion is about removing all choices, facts, and influences except one and regarding

    that as a "buffet" feast. The good JW is supposed to look at the one thing left and lick their lips and say, "mmmm, delicious."

    Truth is what corresponds to reality.

    For a JW the only thing they are allow to by that process of elimination....what corresponds to reality, therefore "must" be Truth.

  • Larsinger58

    TERRY: Do you just want to feel good about bashing the WTS? Or do you REALLY want the light?

    I'm the Christ returned. I have the LIGHT! The WTS is in spiritual darkness. But do you love darkness as well?

    Now you are clearly intelligent, right? So I can talk to you directly and frankly. But will what I say even influence you? Here goes:

    You ain't stupid, right? You know the Israelites left Egypt the same night they ate passover, right? That was a date that became a national holiday! Right? We know the Jewish sabbath day is from evening to evening, right? So if the night the Israelites left Egypt became a national holiday, then it forever became a special sabbath day of rest! It also means that since it began at sunset, that the special sabbath day of their exit includes the eating of the passover meal!

    We read elsewhere that the Israelites left Egypt, shortly after eating passover, on the FIFTEENTH OF NISAN! Now. That only means the Israelites were following Egyptian tradition of changing the calendar date at Midnight! That means even though passover was eaten up until midnight on the same night the Israelites left Egypt, which was after midnight, it was still Nisan 14th until midnight. But after midnight, it became Nisan 15th!

    The WTS is in DARKNESS about this! They think the date changed at sunset and thus it was "Nisan 14th" for 24 hours from sunset to sunset. WRONG!

    Bottom line, if the Israelites left on Nisan 15th after midnight, then Jesus was arrested on Nisan 15th, a sabbath day! He could not have died that day. Meaning what? Meaning he must have died the following THURSDAY. But guess what, we can easily determine that if Jesus was to be in the tomb for THREE NIGHTS! Three nights from Saturday night is going to be a Thursday, no matater how you slice it! Thursday was Nisan 20th, the day before the special high-sabbath of passover, which was the 7th day of UFC. So in reality, Jesus died Nisan 20th, was in the tomb for three nights, and rose on Saturday night before 3 a.m.

    The WTS is clueless about this. They have been thrown into spiritual darkness. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU! You're so smart. Does this make any sense to you?

    Bashing the WTS is one thing. But bashing the Bible is another strory. The Bible is true. The WTS has been cast into spiritual darkness. But are you going to see the LIGHT?

    Jesus did not die on Nisan 14th. That's impossible. But are you going to accept the truth? Are you going to realize Jesus must have died on Thursday, Nisan 20th?

    If you don't you become a lover of darkness no different than the WTS!

    Why is it that really smart people, decide to play dumb when it comes to the Bible? I don't get it!

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