Posted by jwfacts
Therefore 54260 (60% of 90434) plus 52,465, plus 14121 already equals 120846
Why would you add the number of partakers from 1925 and 1935? Many of the 1925 partakers were probably still alive in 1935....
by jwfacts 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Posted by jwfacts
Therefore 54260 (60% of 90434) plus 52,465, plus 14121 already equals 120846
Why would you add the number of partakers from 1925 and 1935? Many of the 1925 partakers were probably still alive in 1935....
What would be fascinating if some one wanted to do the research (if it was even possible) I want to know how many cumulative unique people have partaken over the years. The over/under would be 144K. Do think the real number is higher or lower?
Of course nobody can have the exact information to count exactly every individual. But there are enough datas to approximate it very great with some basic actuarial statistics. I will try to make that.
Heisenberg - as I mentioned, 60% of the Watchtower followers left after 1925, so I counted 60% of that number. Memorial attendance was less than 20,000 in 1928.
The Searcher re: nation, Israel of God : "Other Sheep" actually INCLUDED in the Israel of god? they (wt writers) are almost there, in that they have confirmed that the '12 tribes of Israel' are the humans outside the 144 000. What would follow:
All the Israel of God in the New Covenant, all taking the Cup, the bread.
stop the count right there, and the rise (leavened bread* is not suppose to rise at the end, before the heat takes hold.
* or it's wt use
To make the calcul, we have to make some guess :
1) Let's begin to count in 1935. The datas from the year before are not really consistent for a model.
2) Let's say that the youngest of the 52 000 partakers of 1935 was 30 years old and the oldest was 100 years old and that the age distribution follow a classic symetric regular normal distribution.
3) Let's say the life expectancy of a annointed is 80 years.
We build an approximative model, who can follow and be adjusted every year with the people lacking or the people added.
The first thing to notice easily, with this model all the partakers from 1935 are dead now. Then the number of taotal partakers is more than 52 000.
Now we have to ajust the model years after years. I won't explain all the calculs here, they are very boring, I will make an article more precise soon. But let make us a fast idea
on the 52 000 partakers in 1935, according to our normal law:2 000 was less than 40 years old, 34 000 was more than 60 years old, and in those 9 000 was more than 80 years old.
Then, if the annointed never died, on these 52 000 partakers, only 2 000 was less than 80 years old in 1975.
But they die like another people : With the life expectancy chosen at 80 years, it means than in 1975, it was only 2 000 partakers alive who was partakers in 1935. 1 000 of those was between 70 and 80 years old, 1 000 of those was more than 80 years old. And then in 1975 the nomber of anointed already dead was 50 000
Let's ajust with the number of 1975. the number of partakers was around 10 500. It means it was 8 500 new partakers who wasn't partakers in 1935.
Let's assume the distribution was the same than in 1935 for these 8 500 new people. It means :
on the 10 500 partakers in 1975 :300 was less than 40 years old, 7 500 was more than 60 years old, and in those 2 500 was more than 80 years old.
Then, if the annointed never died, on these 10 500 partakers of 1975, only 300 was less than 80 years old in 2014.
But they die like another people : With the life expectancy chosen at 80 years, it means than in 2014, it was only 300 partakers alive who was partakers in 1975. 150 of those was between 70 and 80 years old, 150 of those was more than 80 years old. And then in 2014 the nomber of anointed dead since 1975 was 10 000
And then the nomber of anointed dead only between 1935 and 2014 was around 60 000!!!
In 2014, 14 121 partakers, then in those around 14 000 wasn't partakers in 1975.
We have then since 1935 : 74 000 different partakers.
And in this fast calcul we don't count :
1) the partakers who enter and die between 1935 and 1975 ( around 5 000)
2) the partakers who enter and die between 1975 and 2014 (around 1 000)
3) the partakers who enter and die before 1935. (I don't have a clue : let's say 20 000)
Then we arrive easily at a total of 100 000 individual partakers. And I use a method who tend to give a minimum...
In 1925 there were 90,434 partakers, everyone who attended partook.
In 1935 there were 52,465 partakers, interestingly out of 63,146 attenders!
Add to this last years figure of 14,121 who would not be in the 1935 figure, and you're up to 66,586 partakers in the last 80 years (ish)
This leaves 144,000 - 66,586 = 77,400 partakers between the first century and the 1935.
But in the first century there were 3,000 baptized in Acts 2:41;
"All of Samaria, both men and women" were baptized in Acts 8:9-12;
and "many Corinthians" in Acts 18:8-11 which took 1.5 years.
There are also many congregations mentioned in the scriptures, some written to, all full of baptized (anointed) people:
There were "many in Joppa" (Acts 9:42),
"a great number from Antioch" (Acts 11:21),
"a great multitude in Iconium" (Acts 14:1),
"quite a few in Derbe" (Acts 14:21),
"a great multitude" in Thessalonica (Acts 17:4),
"Many" in Beroea (Acts 17:12),
"Jews and Greeks" in Corinth (Acts 18:4), and
"many thousands (literally 'myriads' - 10,000's) of Jews" (Acts 21:20).
Tacitus says that under Nero (2nd century) "a great multitude" of christians were executed.
During the many persecutions under Maximus, 1,900 Christians were martyred in Sicily alone.
Diocletian (3rd century) killed 17,000 in one month.
Eusebius says that during one of the persecutions, ten thousand men (not counting women and children) were killed in Egypt. The executioners blunted their swords and had to work in relays.
How many does that make?
Wow the watchtower is going further into lala land. Explaining the crazy is now a full time job.
Isn't it amazing, brothers, how Jehovah is speeding things up in his own due time.
Wait! Sh1t!