Hello all, help me to recognize a possible trend:
Is your current or recently past CO or DO or their wives of the anointed?
I think I have discovered a disturbing trend.
by Pistoff 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hello all, help me to recognize a possible trend:
Is your current or recently past CO or DO or their wives of the anointed?
I think I have discovered a disturbing trend.
Our current one is. I think he is in his late 40's. Left Bethel some time a go and was put in circuit work...
None that I can remember and I go back to the early 60's...a few of the anointed I knew back then were already old and now have all died. Some were pioneer sisters, a few "congregation overseers" and a couple of lunatics...as the WTS would call them: emotionally disturbed. I knew a young MS that suddenly started partaking...it had a negative impact on his recent marriage...they separated and either of them remained a JW...that Holy Spirit sure is powerful.
I heard the Brother who gave the Memorial talk say, " I have never seen a person partake." The whole Congregation was commenting on what a wonderful talk that was! They do not really believe in " partakers " they just believe in the GB.
Former CO Gordon Merrill was said to be anointed.
Gary West was anointed; I did hear later that he and his wife were now divorced
CO Bob Simons and his wife profess to be anointed last I knew. Wonder where they're serving now...?
How old was Bob Simons?