Inquiry on GB 2.0 member - Did they get married?

by bats in the belfry 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Phizzy

    Flaccid ? the amount of time gone by since it was last used for fun may mean he has a job even finding it.

  • Mum

    Is this a serious inquiry? Are those two really engaged?

    Only JW men can have so many women better than they are. Poor JW women! This poor woman is in for a life of gagging disappointment.

  • Phizzy

    Now now Mum, with the restrictions on how they have sex imposed by the WT, gagging is unlikely.

  • Iamallcool

    I think I have met her one time. She had a white JW boyfriend around her age at that time too. She looks so familiar to me. I can't be 100 percent sure. The last time I saw her was in 2008.

  • Iamallcool

    Shirley, there is always viagra. I do not even need it. I can have erection for hours.

  • shopaholic

    Please tell me this is a joke. There is no way they are engaged. If they are, then they both have major issues...meaning they are both a little off in the head.

  • shopaholic

    He had some vanilla and now wants to give it a whirl with some young chocolate. The age gap is too wide for their respective ages for them to have conversations that both of them care about on a continuous basis. But if she is all wrapped up in the Jehovah-thing, she see's him as being closer to God.

    She wants a Daddy and he wants it young and untapped. This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a long time. This trumps the overlapping generations and the GB being the FDS. More folks would leave over this union than they would over doctrine.

    Seriously, is this for real?

  • shopaholic

    She must not have any friends because there is no way they would let her do this. If she has friends, they are all over 50. Religion makes you do crazy stuff.

  • wasblind

    This can't be for real. It looks like she only wanted to take a pic wit the " spirit directed " holy one

    I don' t believe theres more to this than that. If I'm wrong please correct me and I'll eat crow

    Wit' Hot sauce and a Coke

  • problemaddict

    Hey guys, I think this was just a photo of a pioneer girl with the visiting speaker. Nothing scandalous. Unless of course someone here knows Mark or his family.

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