I have really come to realize, the dress code these days is really really interesting. Young women at wearing their shorts, to the limit of hieght. Sandles are basically high heal shoes, with a strap to make it look like sandles. It is not uncommon to see a young lady to wear what is nearly a bikini top style dress drop with those shorts and the make up on the eyes has come back with a sexy theme. It used to cost money to go to clubs and see women dress like this, and in some cases take these outfits off. Now I just go to the mall and see about 90% of her body, and the last ten percent is for her boyfriend or one night stand. On behalf of men, I have to say "Thanks!" The parent side of me though says, "Thank goodness I never had a girl!!!!!"
The way young woman dress
by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends
Suraj Khan
I'm the father of two teenaged girls. At least in my area, girls dress no more or less provocatively today than they did 20 or 30 years ago.
My daughters dress nicely and fairly conservatively, but that's not because of scary invisible sky wizards, that's because (hopefully, anyway) I've instilled in them a sense of healthy self-respect.
In short, I'm not really sure what OP is talking about. I know when I was 'in' I heard all the propaganda that the world is in decline and violence, lasciviousness and such is steadily escalating...but I've never seen an ounce of proof that this is the case. Median age for premarital sex has been rising slightly in the United States:
And violent crimes as a whole - and murders, forcible rapes and most other violent crimes separately - have not just declined in the US per capita, they're declining in actual number.
To me, just more propaganda and folderol from the WTBTS.
It might be a big city thing. Which is where I was when I saw it most recently. I am not complaining!!! However, I am glad I do not have teenager daughters. I am pretty sure, I would not have been happy with my daughters bringing a smile to men like me everywhere.
they have little tweens trying to look like hookers.....go into any department store and pretend you have a 12 year old to dress and see what you come up with..........i am glad i don't have a kid that age for sure. one reason why i am pro-school uniform. if they're home in the backyard they can wear short shorts, teensy tops and all that - but public - no way. too many weirdos with sick minds out there. protect your little girls and teach them to respect themselves - and teach the sons to respect the girls.
Back in 2004 I was working at the WT HQ for a week my friend and I took a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was summer and many young ladies were wearing totally see through tops with no bra on. Who needs a strip club! That was the best walk I have ever took. LOL Like frre2beme said it was a big city thing. Totally ADD
On behalf of men, I have to say "Thanks!" The parent side of me though says, "Thank goodness I never had a girl!!!!!"
and on behalf of you?
I like it... just get naked now and dance.
And who was it that created all the shame about the human body? To me, clothing should be about adapting to conditions. You wear clothing so you don't get cut on glass on the lawn or burn your feet on the pavement--that's what shoes are for. You wear pants so you don't run into various hazards--such as getting skinned while kneeling. Clothing also protects against sunburn, heat, and cold. And yes, clothing can hide ugly features while enhancing more flattering features. In this aspect, clothing serves a useful purpose.
However, when people have such widespread hangups about nudity that "indecent exposure" laws have to be in place, something is wrong with that culture. They never had such laws until the Jews, Christians, and Muslims started dominating cultures and replacing such with their own impoverished versions. In ancient Greece, people would walk around nude (when it was safe to do so--the risks included abrasions, getting jabbed by brush or stung by a bee, sunburn, cold, and so on) without any shame. No one thought of it as being indecent to see someone running around naked. Maybe a little foolish if it was like -20 out or it was cold and raining, or they were doing work that involved abrasions (such as building where rough material had to be handled). But, when it was 25 and fine out, people thought no more of seeing someone without clothing than they do today when they see someone without a Fenix HP-20 headlight in daylight. No big deal.
And, if religion wouldn't make sex such a big hangup, we would see less "perversions". What is the big deal of peeping into someone's bedroom window if just about everyone on the street is nude? If people would be able to gain sex without the regulations, we might see fewer people molesting children (probably due to opportunity), fewer people manipulating others into consent, and less settling for less than the best (usually leading to adultery). Of course, religion would suffer--joke-hova would not be able to hold people down spiritually to allow them to be enslaved.
Women do wear the most impractical clothing and footware on the planet. Three girls recently fell on top of each other down a flight of stairs in a nightclub here where I live, all in stilletos, they all broke their ankles, all three girls. One of their husbands was at the hospital. He was furious.
Now it's been proven scientifically that women expose more flesh towards the most fertile point of the month when they are "ready". It's just purely evolution really. Just stop with the high heels though. lol ;)
My girls mostly preferred blue jeans, but I do remember that they reached an age when buying clothes for them suddenly become much more complicated and difficult, with upscale department stores carrying brands like, 'Porn Star.'