The WTS is caught in a big morass of conflicting priorities. They have to keep the R&F convinced the big A is round the corner yet manage the fact that time is marching on regardless of every expectation they have raised. They have to embrace the use of technology and the internet yet the same tools are presenting a mass of critical/alternative views in a readily accessible form. Growth is being experienced in certain fields but established territories are stagnant at best. Encourgaing education and career development would help secure future contributions (c.f. Mormons) but experience shows that educated ones tend to exercise their critical thinking skills and do not make strong sheep.
It's the same when it comes to the governments. Taking advantage of tax efficient organisational structures protects finances. Being able to build without major opposition solidifies the perception of the Witnesses as another acceptable religion. Being able to work within democratic legal structures helps further religious freedom and the publishing work. However, they also have to feed a persecution complex. In the face of ever increasingly speculative dogma, the harsh reality of persecution works to polarise the feelings of the R&F. It can be latched onto and faced as a group, helps gloss over issues of centralised, top down control and works on peoples' fears.
To that end, even the most minor incidents are amplified. A bunch of looney, right wind nutters in Bulgaria attack a KH - it's a sign that the whole of eastern Europe could revert to cold war levels of persecution overnight. The French government take on the tax exempt status of the WTS in France - it's a sign that even liberal democracies are poised to pick on the WTS.
The WTS needs new light. The WTS needs some limited persecution. The WTS needs events that can be seized on to promote feelings of urgency, group unity and unquestioning loyalty to the GB. These things in the minds of ones blinded by cognitive dissonance are the only hope for the WTS to perpetuate things for decades to come.