Rant about WBT$ fulfilling scripture

by punkofnice 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I feel the need to rant so bear with me.

    I've seen posts and blogs where a scripture is used to show how wicked the WBT$ are.

    Well, I believe the WBT$ is a vile cult with disgusting individuals as it's leaders.

    One thing I learned from the WBT$ is that a scripture can be used to prove almost anything!

    When I read posts where a scripture is sited and directed against the WBT$ I'm not impressed. Not because I'd ever defend the paedophile loving filth in Brooklyn but because it's just words and personal interpretation from a collection of fables, myths and fairy tales.

    Even when I was a Christian I still thought that you could make anything fit scripture......and if you have a bee in your bonnet you can use the Bible in the propagandist way eg. 'Appeal to Authority'.

    Another thing is that the WBT$ ain't listening. They ain't gonna say: 'Oh, look. Poster (who ever) has used a scripture in (whatever fairytale book of the bible) that proves we've been wrong all this time!'

    I'm not listening....it only proves to me that someone can read something into a fairy tale prophecy that isn't there.

    To prove my point. The great prophet Dr Who said: ''I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there."

    Sorry. Rant over. I'm not sure if I said what I wanted to say in the correct manner but..............I'm done!

  • Tater-T

    yes !! I feel the same way.. if anything was true in the bible it would have happened along time ago...

    It's very self center to think, after all this time, it's coming true in my time .. "look I've got it all figured out!!" LOL... try again!!

  • Phizzy

    You are going down to their level of silliness if you think they figure in any bible prophecy.

    Even when I was in I thought the preposterous nonsense about some little Convention of a few hundred Bible Students, lurking amongst the trees at Cedar Point Ohio, was fulfilling prophecy was utter CRAP.

    To try to say they fulfill something else, even if it is derogatory toward them, is still utter CRAP.

    There is no such thing as bible prophecy in that sense, predicting events and people etc

    The only bible prophecy that will come true quite often, and it isn't really a prophecy ,it is a truism, and that is "You will reap what you sow".

    May the WT and its leaders reap the whirlwind !

  • punkofnice

    Tater-T - Glad it's just not me!

    Phizzy - Yes. That bleedin' 'Cedar Point(TM)' thing left me cold every time I read about it when I was 'in' the disgusting cult. I can't help but feel it makes individuals to feel rather special about themselves for 'discovering' (said tounge in cheek), a Bible passage that seems to fit. ''Ooooh. Look what I found!''

  • Larsinger58

    I understand you, but I'm on the other side. I'm of the "anointed" and so the Bible must be true and its prophesies fulfilled. So I'm seeing a different interpretation. you said:

    One thing I learned from the WBT$ is that a scripture can be used to prove almost anything!.

    But I don't see that is really being true. For instance, the 70th week deals with math. If the 70th week was from 29-36 CE for the first coming, then the 70th week for subsequent periods is a definite, absolute period of time of 7 years. Thus look at this:

    36 CE ends the first 70th week.

    Add 490 years to see when the end of 70th weeks occur in subsequent centuries. Simple math.

    36 + 490 = 526 AD

    526 = 490 = 1016 AD

    1016 + 490 = 1506 AD

    1506 + 490 = 1996 AD

    So 1996 ends another 70th week. That 70th week would be from 1989-1996. Now that is a limited interpretation and very specific.

    Now the 1290 days and 1335 days prophecy can be applied many ways, I agree with you. The WTS used to think it dated the second coming in 1874. Now it dates some publication of theirs coming out in 1922 or something! Clearly wrong. But some think the 1260 days relates to the Balfour agreement in 1917 and the 1290 days to 1947 when the Jews came out of exile. So they also conclude that the 1335 days, which is 45 years later, has to occur in 1992. This is just one interpretation, but if you think the 1335 days applies to when Christ is supposed to arrive in 1992-1993, then you compare that to the 70th week prophecy, which is also when the Christ is supposed to arrive in the middle of the week at the 2nd coming, then you are looking at the same year! So sometimes the coordination of two different prophecies show you what must be the correct interpretation!

    Now as far as the Bible being a book of "myths", I see that as a convenient way to get out of paying attention to anything in the Bible. But after doing some chronology research in archaeology for ancient Egypt, I discovered that the Exodus occurred at the time of the pharaoh Akhenaten who is known for suddenly converting to monotheism along with the entire nation of Egypt! That would support the 10 plagues happening at this time! So I can't just think of the Bible or the 10 plagues as a myth when we have archaeological evidence that fits this dramatic event at this time in Egyptian history. Thus, simply based on my secular research, I find that the Bible is not a book of myths but true history. Besides that, we hae secular records in various surrounding pagan nations confirming the existence of the people in the Bible, especially from the time of Jehu and Ahab, down through the Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Periods! So even YOU must agree that every single thing in the Bible is not mythical. I acn accept you doubting things that can't be proven, but the fact is, many things can be and that adds to the validity of the Bible.

    Here's a video on the Exodus and Akhenaten you might find interesting. In the meantime, Satan's academic world is full of lies and deceptions and tries to distract from the truth, so many actually think there is no secular evidence of the Bible's history. This is simply not the case!


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    When we 'studied' the Daniel book it said about the 1290 days (Dan 12:11)

    These are supposed to be fulfilled by the WTS between March 1919 (released from prison) and Sept 1922 (convention in Ohio).

    There are other stupid explanations of prophesies of time between the publication of two WT's or Awakes.

    How did I ever believe this stuff?


  • punkofnice

    Lars - Thanks for your comments. I'm sure you're sincere but I don't buy the whole Bible prophecy schtick.

    St George - Yes. Even when I was an elder conducting the group study it all seemed like hubris on the part of the GB.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    When I first started my exit I still believed The Bible but started seeing scriptures that seemed to apply to the WTBT$ after I started to view them as corrupt.

    After doing this for a while I became aware that scriptures could nearly always be applied in a way that fit a predetermined view point.

    If helping some-one exit meant using the bible to identify the society as an evil master I would.

  • punkofnice

    Amelia - Yes. I had the same experience. It took me a while to come out of the flat spin of the christian delusion. Stopping to think helped.

  • Phizzy

    "Stopping to think helped" LOL

    I found I had to learn how to think, once I had achieved that by understanding what Critical Thinking really was (an Art) and what logical fallacies were etc, along with loaded language and mind control etc, once that lot was on-board as a skill set, the whole WT house of cards that is their teachings and their version of their History etc all fell down.

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