Well, thank you Lord for that mole ... it gives me something to tell my family so when they actually study this I hope a bell will ring for them ...
There is a Mole in Brooklyn
by Oubliette 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lady Lee
If there is a trap I really doubt the GB would think of how to set it up.
But a bunch of legal lackies could do it
As I understand it, foreing Bethels that do translation work get the English magazines from Brooklyn well in advance, so this leak could have come from any of the WTS Branches around the world.
You got it! It's a Tagalog mole!
Muddy Waters
Haha, guess what... you know how there's ads on this site... well, Google must do a word search and then comes up with whatever matching ad it thinks the reader will be interested in.
Guess what ad is on this page now -- "Mole Extermination! We provide the best pest control services for over 80 years..."
Just had to share that because I thought it was rather hilarious. -
Maybe the Governing Body can hire the Brookyn Heights Mole Patrol and perform a little Jehovah type genocide on their ass.
Lemme explain how counterintelligence works on documents:
They may set up slightly different versions of a document - a different word or punctuation that distinguishes it. That way, when it pops up somewhere, they can trace its origin.
cha ching
Can't leave: thx 4 the info i am now an educated cha chinger
BTTT for newbies and lurkers ... and the GB too!
But what if the MOLE is the GB itself? Then all these predictable linear conclusions people draw are also part of the ploy and not the actual description of reality. They operate for years misleading JWs, stumbling millions, setting up a finance sting and neither JWs or XJWs or anyone else ever figures out what is actually going down.
Then the GB would not be the set of dummies they imply to some, or the Christian supreme council they imply to JWs, just good at what they do as none of the above. In fact they would be great at what they really do.