Here is one I missed before!
The JW book Paradise Restored to Mankind By Theocracy (1972) says that prophets who dream up false dreams and preach them in God's name are thieves:
Since the commandment against thievery was given over God's name Jehovah, the thieving person is disregarding God's name and assailing it as being of no force or importance… They [false prophets] put on an appearance of being a prophet by saying, as if under inspiration: "An utterance!" Then they really steal the name of Jehovah by attaching it to their own "utterance" to which it does not belong. They dream up false dreams for the future so as to influence the people against Jehovah’s true mouthpieces. Because of their false dreams and their boasting regarding the future, they cause the people to go astray religiously and spiritually and leave them unprepared for the real things to come. Jehovah did not send them or command them, for which reason they have no right to steal God's name from its rightful place and use it for their deceptive purposes. Such thieves benefit no one. (pp. 211 – 213)