The elders and ministerial servants at my hall were asked to attend a strange meeting last night. The society is asking for our help to raise $10,200. They are seeking to raise this money in April from elders and ministerial servants in our circuit ONLY. We are not allowed to tell anyone, not our family members, best friends, or even our spouses. I have been an MS for 5 years now and I've never experienced anything like that before. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Are things like that common at elders meetings? Why do they need that money? Why so secretive? What the hell is going on?
Elder and MS Extortion!
by jw07 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Which country?
Did you attend, or are you just reporting on what you heard?
Did they say what they need the money for?
In a circuit there are about 20 congregations, usually. There would be probably 200-300 elders & MS among those 20 congregations.
Seems they are asking for about $30 - $50 per person - not exorbitant (at least not for the US, Canada, Europe, etc.).
I've never heard of such a request before, especially for such a relatively small amount of money. Why not just ask each congregation to pony up $500? Why restrict it to elders & MS?
I'll probably have to inbox you my country (trying to be careful for now). I was there, it was elders and MS (I'm an MS). It was said that we would get more information about how the money would be used in the future. What baffles me is why the 'servant body' only.
Maybe it's a way of asking for even more money from a congregation without making it seem so desperate. Asking more from those who can be 'trusted'.
Very odd. Maybe there's a need somewhere in your curcuit only that requires a little delicacy. They've never had a single "nay" when asking for money from the platform before.
Your concern is perfectly understandable - it does appear highly unusual for a ruling body of any organization to ask for help in raising a specified sum of money from the local (branch) leaders, not stipulate the reason and ask for strict confidentiality.
Can you clarify the following:
Was it a request or a directive for money?
Were any consequences mentioned if the elders were to decline it, say even for good reason (e.g., they don't have the money to give)?
Was anything documented in writing?
Did the elder(s) chairing the meeting read from any printed document? If not, did they state the source of their request (e.g., telephone, email, fax or in-person contact with one of the Society's representatives)?
Is there any paper trail at all?
Regardless of the reason(s) for this - it could be perfectly innocent and justified - it is not usual procedure in organizations for management to withhold its reasons for directives or requests.
Please keep us posted!
Does it add up to Candace Conti's damages by any chance LOL?
I would never donate to anything unless I knew how it was going to be used, and I could check on the details, I would never donate to anything without telling my wife, even when I was an active JW.
I detect the extreme odour of fish.
I am an MS in UK and nothing like this is happening in our circuit (yet at least!). If it were I would not conform for a number of reasons but the first one being that I would not donate any money from my family's funds without agreement with my wife. I would not donate without knowing what the money was being used for. If the information was not forthcoming then I would be quite happy to ask the questions.
This would have been my position 9 months ago before the start of my awakening. Now, I would not donate just because the WTS is not getting any of my hard earned dosh!
Of course, if it is truely limited to one circuit then it is likely related to an embarrasing circuit shortfall somewhere. Can't wait to hear what the real reason is, if you ever get told.
I'm quite acquainted with WT accounting.
But your report sounds VERY strange.
My first thought when I read your post even was: "Your coordinator of BOE is trying to obtain your money by fraud."
By using your WT library you will be able to find an article in Awake!, in 1980, recommending that a married couple should speak very open about financial affairs to avoid any dispute about money. So even according to WT literature, no one in the organization has the right to ask you for a donation under the obligation to conceal this from your spouse!
It could be a local scam by an elder. Why not phone the branch office in your country, or co or do?
I have never heard of any such thing. Years back, congregations in the circuit were asked to raise money for the upgrading of the circuit assembly. But asking only elders and ms to provide funds is very, very strange.