This weeks study article: God gave us these truths, yet we admit he hasn't actually given us the truth yet-- think about it

by The Quiet One 34 Replies latest watchtower bible


    So since the WTBT$ claims that they have " the truth " because their doctrines change as more facts are revealed overtime, they are really admitting that they cannot have " the truth " because truth is ALL the facts about something, not imaginative theories. If they have never had all the facts then they have never been the sole channel of truth.

    Bittex raised an interesting point. What the WTBTS does is appeal to God as the authority and then they insert themselves into God's position. Then they teach their imaginative theories as truth from God, and use this " authority " to brand all who disagree as apostates.

    This would be equivalent to an Israelite knowing that Moses and Aaron were planning on claiming responsibility for bringing water forth from the rocks. As a concerned worshipper of YHWH, you warn the tribal heads. They tribal heads stone you to death for speaking out against Moses and Aaron. The GB think that they occupy the seat of Moses. This is clear since Jesus is entirely missing from a picture of the " Organization " in an upcoming WT study. Jehovah is first, followed by the GB/Moses class.

  • BU2B

    Even pastor Russell had the same rhetoric. He said that you would be better off just reading Studies in the Scriptures without the Bible than the Bible without Studies in the Scriptures. Even back then they used terms like "clearly" like clearly the end will come by 1914 when it wasnt clear at all and went on to be changed numerous times, or "doubtless".

    How many times has the society used these terms only to change the teaching one or more times afterwards. Nothing was clear at all.

    There are two choices with all these changed teachings.

    1. Even though Russell, Rutherford, etc claimed to be guided by holy spirit to their understandings of superior authorities, 1914, 1925 etc, they were lying, or mistaken and were not spirit directed at all, or

    2. The holy spirit intentionally mislead them and gave them false teachings.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    "Even though Russell, Rutherford, etc claimed to be guided by holy spirit to their understandings of superior authorities, 1914, 1925 etc, they were lying, or mistaken ..."

    Let's be very clear about this -- a mistake is not intentional but a lie is all about intent. A lie could also be a mistake but only if the perpetrator gets caught. The tragedy around the dates 1914 and 1925 were compounded by the fact that lying coverups were manufactured by Watchtower leadership in order to mask or soften the mistaken predictions.

    The recently released essay, "Dear Mother" (an open letter to the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses) clarifies the difference.


  • Bobcat

    Concerning Ps 43:3, 4, the Expositor's Bible Commentary (Revised Edition, Vol 5, pp.387-8) posits:

    In the darkness of the adversities, there is no other way than to ask the covenantal God to remain faithful to his promises. In despondency and astonishment, questioning and doubt, the psalmist asks God for his "light" and "truth" (v.3). The light of God is the experience of the fullness of his redemption (Ps 36:9; Isa 58:8, 10; 60:1, 3). The "truth" (h e met) of God is the expression of his covenantal fidelity (Ps 40:10; 57:3). If only God will send these two (personified) expressions of his love to "guide" him back, then he will experience restoration. This verse leads to the answer of the original petition: "When can I go and meet with God?" (42:2).

    [End of quote]

    Based on this commentary, the psalmist isn't asking about correct explanations of the Mosaic Law, rather, that the promises embedded in the Law (that the psalmist already understood correctly) be applied to him.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    "Our comprehension of the truth steadily becomes clearer"

    Translation: It's true until we say it isn't.

  • clarity

    'The truth about something is ALL the facts about it,'


    Oh I see.......................... the facts show that the "truth"

    that the witnesses are preaching at this very moment and in fact

    since last October 2012 ...... IS OLD LITE ...FALSEHOOD ...

    & the gb lets them make fools of themselves by not telling them that

    the truth is not true!! hHhhhahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    oh this crap is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Who can know what truth is, anyway? As in, absolute truth.

  • steve2

    A mistake is very, very different from 'developing' a teaching that you subsequently expect others to support upon pain of shunning them if they don't .

  • WTWizard

    The real truth is that Satan gave us the truth, joke-hova destroyed and sequestered that truth, and we are only now beginning to find it again. How long before joke-hova responds by placing us under lockdown is anyone's guess. But, if joke-hova manages to defeat Satan, life will not be worth living for anyone.

  • Satanus

    The absolute truth is unspeakable, for words can't express it. Glimpses appear, here and there, then dissappear again.


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