So since the WTBT$ claims that they have " the truth " because their doctrines change as more facts are revealed overtime, they are really admitting that they cannot have " the truth " because truth is ALL the facts about something, not imaginative theories. If they have never had all the facts then they have never been the sole channel of truth.
Bittex raised an interesting point. What the WTBTS does is appeal to God as the authority and then they insert themselves into God's position. Then they teach their imaginative theories as truth from God, and use this " authority " to brand all who disagree as apostates.
This would be equivalent to an Israelite knowing that Moses and Aaron were planning on claiming responsibility for bringing water forth from the rocks. As a concerned worshipper of YHWH, you warn the tribal heads. They tribal heads stone you to death for speaking out against Moses and Aaron. The GB think that they occupy the seat of Moses. This is clear since Jesus is entirely missing from a picture of the " Organization " in an upcoming WT study. Jehovah is first, followed by the GB/Moses class.