No the last one was 5 weeks - 6 years ago. But my wife and I had our son right in the middle of it.
We are in week 4 now. The whole thing is just so stupid. We are only allowed to have 2/3rds of our members on strike and the other 1/3rd must work as essential. How can you have a partial strike is beyond me. But I will be out on the line to the end. This one is way too important not to be a part of seeing we lost 23,000 members a few years ago.
Next time you drive by Ktown and want to stop, let me know in advance and I will direct you to where I am. I picket just off Hwy 401 near division.
I think my friend gets home tonight from Montreal.
I will give her a call tomorrow morning and then give you a buzz at the phone number you left.
My call should be between 8:30 - 9:30 am tomorrow if all goes well.
Take care and thanks.
Dino - thanks for the message. Good news seems to be coming. There are three sets of teams in the negotiating table. Two of the parties have been at the table for a week now (a central team and a team that represents scientists and admin people). Now the final team representing the Jail Guards have started talking to management. This means we are getting close to a settlement.