Is it everything you thought it would be?
Are you happy that this law is being initiated?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Is it everything you thought it would be?
Are you happy that this law is being initiated?
It's a start. But not the best solution to the problem of health care. Maybe one of these days the U.S. will come into the 21st century. Stop listening to fundamental reglionist backed politicians would be a good start. I feel insurance companies should have been left out of the formula and had a single payer instead. The reason health care is so expensive is the hold insruance companies have on everything. I feel preventive care is a very good idea which is part of ObamaCare but sugar, cola, junkfood, tobacco and many other industries will fight tooth and nail against anything like that. Anyway that's my 2 cent's worth. Totally ADD
TotallyADD- well said.
Yes. I'm going to quit my job and go to school full time. I want obamacare.
What on earth do you mean, Breakfast??
26 states have declined to set up those insurance exchanges- that is a lot of people who are unenthusiastic about the ACA. ( the affordable part will be an oxymoron for most). I live in one of those unmotivated states.
Remember it took over 30 years for all of the States to implement Workers Compensation Insurance, 1911-1948. The States will adjust.
Maybe one of these days the U.S. will come into the 21st century.
Me too!
I feel insurance companies should have been left out of the formula and had a single payer instead.
Wrong century.
As a provider (psychotherapist) Obamacare is a nightmare. So much so that many of the clinics in my area are going cash only. The MD I get the vast majority of my referrals has already taken himself all insurance boards, lowered his office charge and is cash only.
Those of you who think they will be able to keep their own insurance as Obama promised are going to be very disappointed. You may keep your own insurance, but that does not mean the same doctor you have always liked will continue to accept your insurance. In fact those who will automaticly go to Obamacare, such as medicaide and medicare are going to be hard strapped to find a doctor period, as the payments to providers are going to be far less than what the government pays now, which is already far less than what commercial insurances pay.
Here are some figures:
I charge $150. per session of 45 minutes. Commercial insurance pays out 80% with the patient responsible for the remaining 20%. With mediaide I can only charge $30 for 10 sessions per calander year. Medicare will reinburse $30 and I can charge the patient only 20% more. Now if, like many other providers, I decided to be cash basis only I charge $100. per session because I do not have any paperwork to file to get paid.
You see folks, health providers have to support a family too, and I do not know of any provider who is going to accept across the board a fraction of what they are accustom to.
Some day we in the US will catch up to Norway. Good educational system, low crime, universal health care.