"Which do you feel hurts more & why? Rejection or Betrayal from the one you love."

by caliber 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber

    Here are a few thoughts from online discussion to start things off....

    at least rejection you know outright. betrayal is always found out after the fact and always at a bad time

    its betrayal and that takes more time to heal because I didn't see it coming.

    Rejection is the WORST. I know all about it and it eats away at your self confidence slowly over time.

  • caliber

    If someone is not going to comment I'm going to start thinking that rejection is the worst

    Is it possible that with the more time that passes such as years or decades the two words blurr ever closer ?

    another online quote ...

    "Betrayal. You can only betray me if I trust you. Rejection comes with life and its easier before an investment is made. Once that investment, whether physical or emotional, kicks in, its betrayal and that takes more time to heal because I didn't see it coming "

  • jgnat

    Rejection is worse, because it is open and deliberate. My reaction to betrayal has typically been humour. Call me wicked, but the thought of the poor man doing backflips trying to hide his transgression....

    Then again, none of the betrayals I've experienced I would call earth-shaking.

  • *lost*

    BETRAYAL. for me is worse.

    To love and trust someone 100% as being your gaurdian, protector, soul mate, best friend, marriage partner. I think cuts the deepest. Rejection, well I think you can shrug it off and move on easier. But to be destroyed by someone, stays for life.

  • caliber

    Rejection is worse, because it is open and deliberate.

    very true but if the truth hurts maybe betrayal in a long term relationship kills

    Betrayal, ....rejection- getting turned down ....betrayal- stabbed in the back .. BIG diff between th 2

    So rejection is more like frontal attack ... whereas betrayal is more likely back stabbing

    What say you jgnat.. is length of time of the relationship not a big factor ?

    My reaction to betrayal has typically been humour... meaning you must have great self-esteem

    P.s. jgnat .....thanks for a brief hope that my topic may have some life

  • caliber

    BETRAYAL. for me is worse. ~~~"lost"

    To love and trust someone 100% as being your gaurdian, protector, soul mate, best friend, marriage partner

    in any case it is the destruction of love and trust that hurts right 'lost " ?

    So rejection may be the more honorable approach ... but a person who betrays may love still but fell into a unforeseen or unplanned event... I would suppose

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Caliber...That is a big question. To even think of an answer, for some of us, we will have to look back at, painful memories.

    I personally haven't been "following" you.

    Are you in distress about someone you love ( d)?


    Could you use a hug? ((((((((())))))) ... just in case the answer was yes.

    Just Lois

  • caliber

    LoisLane looking for Superman

    big questions are best answered by brainstorming to reach resolution in one's mind...

    Thwarted love can be the greatest of all hurts, especially when we’re blind to the depths of our own contrariness.

  • *lost*


    yes I guess so. now I am all grown up and I have children, and I have learned a lot about the real world and how it works, makes me realise how wrong many things we experience are. We don't know any different when ew are young, depending on our upbringing, so we don't have a yardstick to measure by.

    We rely on those who are supposed to love us, look after us and educate us. Being a parent has opened my eyes to many things. When one has had a very painful life, I think one is more aware of how to and not to treat others. We realise how common badness is in society, homes etc. i hav read many life stories of peoples lives and what they suffered. It puts our own pain and suffering into perspective, when you realise someone else had it so much worse.

    All anybody craves in life is to love and be loved. to trust and be trusted. It is important for my children to know that no matter what they can trust me. no matter what i will always love them. I take the good from my Bible study, the Christian ethos, what we don't learn growing up is that we are a complex mass of emotions and thoughts. We have to be nurtured. I believe God/Jesus do this for us, if we truly 'listen' to what they are telling us.

    It takes a community to raise a child - i now understand this saying. It is clear in this modern world that family and community has been broken down, thus making life way harder for people to manage their lives and develop as well rounded individuals.

    I think this is one of the reasons why people get involved in religion, it is the sense of community, belonging, people you know, people you grew up with. life long bonds of love and trust, in theory, but now always in practice.

    Just my rambling thoughts, lol

    lost ... but finding my way now.

  • caliber

    'lost '.. your speaking of a greater love we can trust reminds me of an old Alan Jackson video


    love, trust and security is what we all wish for

    Rejection just means that one out of millions of people does not agree with you or dislikes you.

    Love is still the biggest thing in the world that makes it go round and around..it has wings that always will fly

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