"the brief statedthat “[ t]hat letter [a 1997 letter to BOE] also confirmed Watchtower's long-standing policy that a known child molester does not qualify to be appointed to a position of responsibility in any congregation.”" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/child-abuse/250093/1/Summary-of-WT-Appeal-Brief-in-Conti-Case
Anyone have a scan/copy of October 2012 BOE letter? It may help Candace's appeal..
by The Quiet One 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The Quiet One
Can anyone contact her? Does she already have a copy of this letter? Please Bttt, unless I'm way off track here..
The Quiet One
Perhaps the key word is 'known'.. As in, if the congregation knows, he won't be appointed.. Still deceptive.
Newly Enlightened
There is a copy on this forum in a pdf that Atlantis posted....
Click the link in the blue box by the blue arrow. http://www.sendspace.com/file/ehw1u6 .
The Quiet One
Thanks, but a physical copy would be best.. Good night all.
Newly Enlightened
You should be able to print it up from your pdf program....if you can't pm me with your mailing address and I can mail you a hard copy.
Big Mama
I can send you the Oct 2012 letter, and also a complete copy of "Shepherd the Flock of God in your Care" (elders handbook) as well as other letters that prove the societys stance on the 2 witness rule enabling pedophiles to hide and harm within the organization again and again. PM me your personal email address and I will forward the documents to you. As far as physical copies are concerned, anything can be printed from a computer to paper, as longas you have a printer.
I extend my offer for the elder book and letters to BOE's to anyone interested. PM me here and in your message give me your personal email, and I will forward these documents to you. This offer has been responded to by dozens of interested people in the psat year or so, and I happily extend it to anyone, at any time.
Juan Viejo2
i can assure you all that Candace and her attorney and dozens of her friends have access to copies of that letter.
Big Mama, I've sent you a PM
The Quiet One
Thanks Juan, that's all I needed to hear. Sorry to waste everyones time..