Why Is Stealing From Local Municipalities Not A Sin To JWs? Construction For Example?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    When I begin to think about Jehovah's Witnesses and stealing from Cesar my mind begin's to spin. Last year while walking through a very popular elder's house he showed me how he had doubled the house from the original blue print plans.

    The inspectors of the county are incompetent or received a bribe, how can you add 1500 sq ft without the building inspector catching the error? So here is the issue, each year this great elder is able to avoid paying the real property tax, the original school tax he owed the county of my area. I asked him if this was stealing or theft, "It's a gray area, all the brothers have illegal dwellings, apartments that would make the fire department shudder, it's not big deal!"

    To his credit, we have many brothers and sisters who build illegal dwellings and rent these out to other brothers or they are able to collect aid from public housing assistance. Why is this area of theft tolerated by the Watchtower Organization? When I read of the illegal dumping of chemicals at Patterson, it provided me with insight that the Watchtower Organization think's it's above the Law. Have you seen brothers add footage to Kingdom Halls or Circuit Overseer apartments trying to cheat Uncle Sam?

    Why are the brothers who are quick to collect any type of Government Social Program, so quick to cheat the agencies that are there during their Famine time (Builders, Plumbers, Dry Wallers, Electrical) by providing relief services of Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance and Social Security Disability and SSDI?

    I have been driving back and forth helping a former JW with cancer deal with life. All his family have cut him off, the family who cut him off did the illegal building I wrote about above, any scriptures you can think of I can use to combat this type of JW Fraud and faulty reasoning? They disowned their brother for stealing groceries and they stold from the County and IRS, why is this cool?

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    it is just as wrong to steal from the government as it is to steal directly from your neighbor. dubs just pay lip service to honesty and integrity.

  • JakeM2012

    The government has been using Google maps to check the outside dimensions of your place. They also are known to check people claiming agricultural exemptions for fields and livestock. One rancher told me that if they don't see cow trails and you are claiming an agriculture livestock exemption you can loose it.

    My daughter is still upset with her Granmother for making dvd's of movies for her on her recorder. She says the penalty is 20 years in prison and $500000 fine. LOL.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Hi Jake, I had to promise not to develop my land for the "Williamson" tax exemption act. There is plenty of fraud with Agriculture, one hundred miles from me is where one of the biggest "cattle - ag" frauds were nailed. Ranchers I know are not saying they are the honest of mankind, I know a few who have offered ways to help cheat with Organic Labeling and "sustainable growing". They are honest about being dishonest, I would like people who claim to be clean to be clean, otherwise they are no different than the rest of men and women they bash!

    The post might sound unfair, that's not the point! When a group goes around telling everyone they meet "We are by far, the most honest people on Earth!" they must be held under heavy scrutiny. The Watchtower and Awake will agree with my view that "Jehovah's Witnesses are suppose to be the most honest men and women on Earth" but is this really so?

  • JakeM2012

    Arboles, I agree with you. I have had this discussion with my immediate family, honesty is honesty. I am personally really disappointed in my extended family in that they are on the CA, DC, dramas, serve as Cobe's etc, and yet I personally know how they will screw you and then when you are trying to walk away peacefully turning the other cheek, they will stab you in the back with slander and hatefull comments. They are hardened in their ability to look you square in the eye and lie to you without remorse. I've said for years that especially dangerous were the one that went to Bethel, they seem at least in my family to have lost all moral compass.

    If the organization wasn't blowing their self-righteous horn about how honest, clean, and loving Witnesses were it would be a different conversation. But they are using lies trying to substantiate that God has chosen them. I'm not saying that all Jw's are dishonest, there are some that believe if you take a personal call at work and make a note on company paper with a company pen, then you have stolen time and property. LOL, But it does seem that there is a large percentage that have no problem with slighting the governments.

  • Scott77

    One way to help uncle Sam is to become a whistle blower. Perhaps an anonymous hotline might help expose this. A local news paper is one example of that.


  • WTWizard

    It is not a "sin" for the witlesses to abuse social programs because that enables them to pious-sneer when they otherwise wouldn't be able to. This ends up getting paraded in a rag or at an a$$embly experience, and then everyone else quits their jobs and pious-sneers. Many end up in debt; others end up abusing the system. Tax cheating (remembering that these taxes are there to help support education and infrastructure, not just going to the Rothschilds) is another way to cheat the system so they can pious-sneer.

    Also, it is not a "sin" for the witlesses to molest children with the goal of ruining their lives. As long as there are no witnesses to the event aside the victim, it is no "sin". Notably, slavery, homophobia, bashing of women, and torture and violence to ensure conformity to the religious standards are also not "sins"--yet regular fornication, adultery, celebrating Christmas and birthdays, smoking a single cigarette, or questioning a doctrine (even one you can prove wrong using their own LIE-ble) are all "wicked atrocities".

  • zeb

    report them.

    A pioneer couple had a low income (by choice) and applied for a low income housing loan and got it. Thus meant someone else on a genuinely low income missed out.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to slander, name call, abuse anyone who disagrees with them is considered cool! I was warned seven years ago by my aunt I would find the truth out soon enough. She was ripped off more money than most can imagine by her faithful JW sister, she disassociated herself and discovered her son was sexually assualted by a Jolly JW!

    I am reading "ISOCF" for a third time, Ray's arguments on "Proganda" and "Indoctrination", I love the photo of the old Awake magazine "Do you have a closed mind?" All thinking people should listen to Jehovah's Witnesses because they have the "ever-changing truth" coming in July 15th WT Magazine. Jehovah's Witnesses are governed by Stalug 13 with eight Sargent Shultzs giving them new light while the Apostates Col. Hogans (Bob Crane) are posting all the theocratic war plans to the Allied Apostate about to rush the beaches of Normandy (Patterson). I am tired, might not make sense.

    I know JWs who have filed BK, not once or twice but three times! They charged up their credit cards and burned up their credit line because they knew they would not have to pay it back. I remember elders stealing from other elders by refusing to pay for the work another brother did for him. "Wait on Jehovah", "Don't Sue Your Brother!" "Willfully not supporting your family is ok, if your husband is the Secretary of the Kingdom Hall.

    My rubberband is about to snap, once it does I am going to post all the confidential material I duplicated and upload all the information the friendly Kingdom Hall files on all the sinning brothers and sisters. Still, if you steal from Cesar it's not a sin and nobody will care because everyone is trying to build additional attachments to their homes so they can bilk their brothers in unsafe appartments. Greed!

  • Mum

    JW's are masters of self-deception. This is just one more example. I remember a brother saying, 'way back when I was a JW in the '70's that honesty went so far as to require us to correct anyone if they said something that was wrong. More doublethink, doublespeak.

    I used to work in a municipal Community Development / Building Department. The county regularly took aerial photos and could determine when someone had put on an addition without a permit. The city or town where your JW associate lives must be behind the times or apathetic.

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