When I begin to think about Jehovah's Witnesses and stealing from Cesar my mind begin's to spin. Last year while walking through a very popular elder's house he showed me how he had doubled the house from the original blue print plans.
The inspectors of the county are incompetent or received a bribe, how can you add 1500 sq ft without the building inspector catching the error? So here is the issue, each year this great elder is able to avoid paying the real property tax, the original school tax he owed the county of my area. I asked him if this was stealing or theft, "It's a gray area, all the brothers have illegal dwellings, apartments that would make the fire department shudder, it's not big deal!"
To his credit, we have many brothers and sisters who build illegal dwellings and rent these out to other brothers or they are able to collect aid from public housing assistance. Why is this area of theft tolerated by the Watchtower Organization? When I read of the illegal dumping of chemicals at Patterson, it provided me with insight that the Watchtower Organization think's it's above the Law. Have you seen brothers add footage to Kingdom Halls or Circuit Overseer apartments trying to cheat Uncle Sam?
Why are the brothers who are quick to collect any type of Government Social Program, so quick to cheat the agencies that are there during their Famine time (Builders, Plumbers, Dry Wallers, Electrical) by providing relief services of Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance and Social Security Disability and SSDI?
I have been driving back and forth helping a former JW with cancer deal with life. All his family have cut him off, the family who cut him off did the illegal building I wrote about above, any scriptures you can think of I can use to combat this type of JW Fraud and faulty reasoning? They disowned their brother for stealing groceries and they stold from the County and IRS, why is this cool?