I'm supposing that the above is a serious philosophical argument. It is difficult to argue against but also largely unfalsifiable. metatron
Are We Living In A Computer Simulation?
by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends
""I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?""
Chuang Tzu Taoist
Arboles, I really love that quote! It makes one think, doesn't it?
This reminds me of "The Thirteenth Floor."
thank's Ohio! My older brother use to debate my mother (Ez Rider JW Momma) that she was part of his dream? If he died "all will cease to exist".
dazed but not confused
THis is a topic that comes up on the Joe Rogan podcasts from time to time. Very interesting.
dazed but not confused
But no. I don't believe we are.
paul from cleveland
I think it's possible. With the way technology advances so rapidly how could we rule it out? The "2045 Strategic Social Initiative" has as it's goal to create a holographic avatar that can upload our consciousness by the year 2045. But what if that has already happened?
If God used advanced computer simulations to show the consequences of Adams disobedience we wouldn't have to have billions of people actually suffer and die to prove his point. He could put Adam into the simulator to show him what would happen. Perhaps make him live 70 or so years, a human lifetime, in the simulator, before he ever put him in the garden. How do we know that's not what's happening?
Are we asleep? Or are we dreaming?