The totally BOGUS idea of CERTAINTY inside the Watchtower religion

by Terry 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    I'm going to ask a question and it is a very simple question.

    Think about it before you answer. Ok? Are you ready?

    Would Jehovah's Witnesses be a better religion if they were more honest and relaxed about how CERTAIN they are about their teachings?

    Wouldn't some HUMILITY go a long, long way? (I mean, in view of the fact they have been so often dead wrong!)

    Instead of being know-it-alls and having this (what amounts to being an) ERROR MACHINE called the Faithful and Discreet Slave with a

    hotline to heaven on their desk---they could simply be searching, diligent seekers-of-Truth. But no. Instead they wanna be bigshots.

    Isn't the real problem the POSE and PRETENSE of correctness and authority to tell everybody what to think and say and do??

    Isn't pretending to KNOW what they are just GUESSING AT the fly in everybody's soup?

    Of course it is!

    Being right is what grants them their Authority.

    And think about this, please......haven't they had a hundred years to prove or disprove whether they KNOW or are just GUESSING?

    Say that out loud, please. Say it along with me now:

    Hasn't the Governing Body had a hundred years to prove or disprove whether they KNOW or are just GUESSING?

    Well, of course they have. It was only a thesis and has NEVER BEEN PROVED to be correct!

    Let's clarify why this is so. Let's make no mistake about it.

    This lot of very proud and convinced men in power are fooling themselves and fooling each other while they are fooling 7 million followers.

    Plan and simple. They claim to know what they have only been guessing incorrectly about.

    This pretense has forced them to keep fine tuning and changing and worrying the wording of some rather peculiar teachings over the years.

    It is their insistence on being CORRECT that is so galling and egotistical and proud. The statistic don't support their claims.

    There is NO EVIDENCE to corroborate the idea they are being led by Almighty God toward a better understanding of End Times than anybody else.

    If you go to the Wiki page on "Christian eschatology" you can review the hundreds of personal interpretations currently offered by the greatest minds

    in Christianity. They are competing for the mantle of TRUTH along with the Watchtower. None is better or worse.

    What made Charles Taze Russell stand out among the men of his day was two distinct features.

    1.He was rich, owned his own publishing business, was well-spoken and confident

    2.He had a knack for pumping up the volume on End Times speculations as though they were certain.

    Russell pretended he KNEW what he was only GUESSING about!

    We can now say he was guessing because we are looking back on history. The remains of Russells publishing empire (under Rutherford) made the same error no matter how many adjustments were tried again and again.

    Rutherford changed, tweaked, adjusted, renamed and reshaped the Russell publishing business as a new religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    But, Rutherford was JUST AS WRONG while insisting he was absolutely right.

    The history of this Watchtower Religion is that it won't let go of its own SELF-IMPORTANT CLAIMS now proved totally bogus!

    Next year it will be 2014. ONE HUNDRED YEARS of false dates, doctrinal tampering and embarassing public humiliations to examine as proof.

    They have no standing as oracles.

    They have no credibility as "prophets".

    They have no humility to change themselves and openly admit to being chronic assholes who bully in the name of Jehovah, either!

    The three worst CRIMES of CERTAINTY committed by the leaders of the Watchtower religion are very condemning to them as pastors.

    1.Their Authority damages the lives of humble believers in god because it short-circuits the conscience of committed christians.

    2.Their Hubris cuts friends, familty members and honest thinkers off from each other by shunning and ad hominem name-calling. This scatters the Flock of God and drives a wedge in the Body of Christ.

    3.They recklessly endanger the weakest members of society: children, women and the elderly. They insist on repugnant polices on molestation, rape, education and medical treatments. By denying the effectiveness of vaccinations to refusing blood in medical emergencies their authority is rapacious.

    In this 100th anniversary of the invisible return of Jesus why don't we examine all the fine work this invisible leadership has provided.

    From the teaching that the Great Pyramid of Egypt is "god's witness in stone" to the "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" fiasco to the end of 6000 years of human existence in 1975 to the intense disfellowshipping crackdown in 1983 and the narrowing of the FDS in recent months to just those good old boys in the Governing Body---WE HAVE ALL THE PROOF WE NEED:

    The BOGUS idea of CERTAINTY inside the Watchtower religion is proof positive they are a feckless, authoritarian power mad CULT of deception.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Well put, Terry.

    Next year it will be 2014. ONE HUNDRED YEARS of false dates, doctrinal tampering and embarassing public humiliations to examine as proof.

    In reality, the Watchtower has nearly 140 years of false dates and false prophecies. This is how the religion started with Russell, with his promoting the doctrine that Jesus returned in 1874 and Armageddon was due in 1914. So, from day one, this religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses has been hopelessly flawed and even more incorrect than other religions it so shamelessly condemns.

    You are correct: the lack of humility, the hubris, of WT leadership is astonishing. For a religion that has a 100% failure rate for their prophecies and false dates, and continual flip-flopping and/or abandonment of core doctrines, you'd think at some point they'd recognize their error and make the necessary corrections in attitude. To your point, yes, this would be a better religion if the GB started to show some humility and recognize that Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower have good and bad points- just like any other religion. They are not special.

    But, as pointed out in the book, "Captives to a Concept", from day one starting with Russell and all the way to today, this Organization operates under the absolutely delusional and fallacious concept that it, and it alone, is the only religion chosen by God, and therefore, ridiculously absurd doctrines and false prophecies are justified as somehow working into god's plan. Even when the 'faithful and discreet slave' is blatantly wrong, in their minds they are still 100% right.

    Logic cannot compete with that mindset.

    "You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe."
    - Carl Sagan

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    They have made the TRUTH their trademark. If they went more liberal and uncertain they would probably lose a lot of the rank and file people.

  • Finkelstein

    Well said Terry !

    The WTS. has been an exercise in pretentiousness and deception, mostly because its core operations has been focused

    on literature distribution and proliferation. If you constructed an arrangement that cultivated both power and money to a small group

    of men, and a vast amount as well, its easy to see why and how this organization developed and came to be.

    People such as J Rutherford knew how to cloak themselves with virtuousness and sell the BS that his predecessor Russell created with this publishing

    company, equally as well how to hide away with his booze, mistress and Cadillacs.

    The ground work was already there, he just had to continue on that ground work and wait for unexpected and subservient suckers to buy into his scam.

    The WTS. always pressed hard to throw dirt on main stream Christianity and how it had strayed from true worship, while at the same time

    building itself a long stream of false teachings from its small group of amateurish bible theologians.

    With much more devastating and damaging results, such as turning people into human sacrifices or martyrs over the blood transfusion


  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower should be correctly and truthfully acknowledged as a brand name for lies and deception as a religious publishing organization.

  • sir82

    The Cliff's Notes version:

    You can get away with just about anything if you act like you know what you are doing.

  • Ding

    Because the Governing Body claims to be God's spokesman on earth, they think they have to have an answer for everything and that it's their place to run every aspect of Jehovah's Witnesses' lives.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Good topic Terry and good points ADCMS. A good example of this, yesterday I was on a JW's forum looking at a comment that was had been posted on another thread and there was a post about the rumors flying around about the new July WT getting ready to come out and several of the JW's actually said 'Well if its secret until the WT comes out then maybe we shouldn't even be talking about it"! WTF! Unbelievable how mind- frelled they are. One person said that curiosity got the better of them and they went to an apostate website and the others on the forum were critisizing this person for taking a peek and being on the apostate website that they should wait for the 'proper time'??????


  • Vidiot
    Dismissing servant - "If they went more liberal and uncertain they would probably lose a lot of the rank and file people."

    Never gonna happen.

    Any progressive reform at this point, and they'd no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Yes, that's my point. If they claim to be Gods own organisation they cannot be uncertain and liberal. Everything with the society should fall apart in that case.


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