How Many Here Have Ever Smoked Pot or Tobacco?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • insearchoftruth4

    Pick, hash brownies! ...I gots to find some recipes this for mighty fine idea, cause the hashish is so mellow and calming. I might try youtube for some info. Thanks man......

  • Pickler

    Your welcome IST4....let me know how this turns out for you....

  • Elizabeth123

    yes to both but no addictions.

  • LouBelle

    I have smoked weed (pot) don't like smoking it - prefer it in a biscuit (cookie) Have it rarely. I have tried smoking ciggies - ugh - hated it - hate the taste and don't like kissing smokers (it's the taste sorry) I have tried a cigar and nearly poped a lung.

    Every now and again I'll have a hubbly (hooker) with fruit malasis - that is quite enjoyable.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I smoke it on a daily basis, the medical benefits are good for battling phone calls from crazy Witnesses wanting to encourage me to "come back to your first love.".

    Loubelle, did you try "Quat" or Beatlenut?

    I am allowed to grow ten plants with my medical mary jane card, it's legal and it drives the Witnesses nuts to see me smoke it! :) I want to add, one fat slob wanted to debate me on this issue, he drinks more hard booze, eat's like a cow and grizzly bear together (swear he has eight stomachs) and he had the nerve to mention the scripture about "keeping your body clean like a temple", see what hypocrites i deal with?

    I tolerated a brother who committed adultry five times, another person who bashed pot-smoking as he pontificated at the Kingdom Hall by answering every question during the Watchtower on Adultery, Martial Fidelity, Fornication, Pornia... Why?

  • 20yearfader

    i've done both and enjoyed both.

  • TheOldHippie

    I guess my user name says it all ...........................

  • stillin

    Old hippie. I assume that you did without, like a goodoldhippie, for some years. Have you attempted to try any of this current stuff?

  • minimus

    I remember in the early 70s that the Watchtower said if you did smoke, anything---it was a way to getting involved with the demons.

  • MrFreeze

    They still believe that minimus. One elder from the platform explained that rock music was demonic because all rockers used drugs to let the demons in and craft their music.

    I almost forgot that I smoked a cigarette when I was five.

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