If you started an organisation (related to exposing the Watchtower, helping Jw's who are disfellowshipped, or any other worthy cause).. What would it be called and what would you aim to achieve?
by The Quiet One 56 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't be surprised if this post gets nowhere...
The Quiet One
You're probably right.. Most people would rather nitpick others ideas than be creative/inspired themselves, it could just be human nature..
What would you do?
The Quiet One
I'd start an organisation called We Have No Idea, we'd hold meetings where all agnostics/nonbelievers could come together and discuss everything that we don't know anything about.. There'd never be any shortage of conversation! We would leave flyers all over the place with phrases such as 'Ask yourself, what do you really know? And how do you know that you know?'. We'd promote nonbelief, skepticism and learning about how little knowledge that we have of this universe/multiverse/whatever it is. Religion fears nothing more than nonbelief, without unfounded belief what power does it have?.. Seriously, not a clue. I was just trying to provide an alternative place for ideas...
Dismissing servant
I had some ideas that we discussed at another forum.
In same way (under cover) making a network for active JW who want to leave. This could be done on the web, but insiders are needed. The important thing is that those who wish to leave are guaranteed immidiate help, for example by psychologists etc.
The other idea was to organise some group disassociation. To nnounce a certain date for DA, this could be twice a year or so, maybe at assemblies/convents. I know that the ex-mormon movement has organised such events.
The Quiet One
Sounds good. Hope it works out well.
Dismissing servant
I just wonder, why on earth are people trying to wxpose the WT? The internet is full of facts about the WT, anyone with internet access can use google to see it. OK! The WTS can get a lot more negative publicity, but this doesn't help people getting out of the organisation. As long as their family/friends are still in it is very difficult to leave. I mean emotionally and socially difficult.
I don't think it is possible to make the WTS to reform. The most important is to help people getting out with as few emotional wuonds as possible.
Watchtower Wayback [Library]
It exists and it's only in french (with forum, private library, private cloud...) : http://www.watchtowerwayback.org/
Dismissing servant
C'est formidale Wilfried. Tès bien! Merci pour nous donner le lien. (I think it is so in french, but I am even worse in speaking french than in english )
There is a similar community in Sweden...but the forum is only in Swedish! http://hjalpkallan.se/
This is the forum part: http://hjalpkallan.se/forum/index.php