Do any of you see how the "Truth" will fade out in future generations of your family?
I have a few relatives either Dfd or faded and we were talking about this. We were talking how we would not raise our kids in the madness. We also could pinpoint which of the kids now would probably bolt or get kicked out based on their personality traits: uncontrollable, thinkers, learners, free spirits. I was thinking maybe 3-4 generations down the JW influence in my family will be minimal! I hope I live long enough to see it!May the next generation fade walk away!
by SophieG 10 Replies latest jw friends
1st generation dubs are usually hardcore. 2nd generation and 3rd generation go through the motions
That is why its important to give our kids the best Education possible so that they're BS detectors will be on high alert. Hopefully, more and more of the younger generation will wake up and walk out!
dazed but not confused
Mrs. Dazed and I are breaking the cycle with our two little ones. Makes me very happy.
Her 3 other siblings have nothing to do with the cult. My brother and I are out. I have a sister that will probably stay in forever. Hopefully her daughter will not be fooled her whole life...time will tell.
Well the first generation in my family are hardcore. They are up in years....
I am of the second with a handful already out...using the drip method on the ones who are in....
I am watching the 3rd for cracks...
My family is pretty I'm hoping!
I agree about educating them!
I told a family member cryptically: "ya know if you wanna send the kids to college, reaching out for responsibilities in the congregation could mess that up..."
I walked away >evil grin<
I know it s huge hope but I want my family free. Am I selfish?
This reminds me of a proverb a chinese freind of mine said : It goes something like this ,talking about inheritances,
the first generation is very focused on it
the second generation is a little bit more relaxed about it
the third generation squanders it
Darth Rutherford
I am the third and last generation of Witnesses. It ends with me. My children will be free at birth. It is my gift to them.
In my family on my mother's side it looks good since the only ones in are the older ones there children have not shown any interest in the wt in fact they hate it based on the odd behavior that my aunts have shown,so it dies on that side soon,on my father's side only my 2 cousin have taken to it which leaves them as the odd men out since the majority of my family on that side has seen the damage it has done to the family,yeah its over after the older ones pass on,which i think is very positive it will serve as a warning to the rest of the family that comes after know you really have to wonder what the gb is thinking you come in an divide families and you wonder why you have the lowest retention rate of any religion.
Captain Obvious
My sister and her dumbass husband will never wake up, but they won't have kids either. They're gonna pioneer till Armageddon! Mom is a DFed believer.. Long story. Dad.. I doubt he'll wake up. That leaves only in laws.
The only future generations in my family will come from my wife and I. I am determined to live our lives and raise our future kids free of the org. I've told my JW wife before that I don't want there to be any chance of religion tearing our family apart, or worse.. Killing one of our kids.
Next generation of the Obvious family will NOT be JWs.