Anddontcallmeshirley, I suggest that your actions are highly presumptious; your choice of food products shows a lack of faith in the nearness of the coming new order. I hope god does not punish you by giving you food poisoning.
Not so special special talk
by stillin 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As the years went by and no “new world” appeared, all the “Special Talk” eventually meant to me was the end of the Memorial “season.” Even that was stale because the “season” that began with so much fanfare and a bang went out with a whimper. This year saw it close in early April so I suppose the only thing to promote now will be the upcoming summer district conventions.
I commented to wife it was nothing new. She said, honey it never is. We both laughed for three minutes for some reason.
No soul survives at death...but I heard in a few funeral talks that the deceased are living in Jehovah's memory...what is the difference for us living here on earth? In both cases their are gone...
I slept in today after a night of partying last night..................................................
If anybody still attends meetings, and wants to have a bit of fun, try this:
Go to your mid-week meeting, pick a JW at random, and ask them what 3 points they most enjoyed about this year's "special" talk.
Enjoy the deer-in-the-headlights look as the JW frantically tries, likely in vain, to remember any point made in the talk, let alone 3, let alone "enjoyable".
2-4 days after a "special" talk, and 90% of JWs will have forgotten 100% of its points.
Despite nanotechnology, we cannot create life? Suppose we let science progress unimpeded. Just another way to deaden spirituality so we depend on joke-hova for everything, and are held hostage to that thing.