From the womb to the tomb

by insearchoftruth4 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • insearchoftruth4

    And all the drama in between!!! so are the experiences of many people.....Really, what was lifes journey all about? its been tugging at me since i was a boy...

  • Satanus

    Two things, imo. First the prime evolutionary directive - reproduction. It involves a LOT of drama; looking good, get money, house, stuff, property, position, etc. If this was not in operation, extinction would move in. In other words, it HAS to be there.

    The second thing, which is deeper, is also a theory that i have. Its based on the theory that we are spirits at our cores. That we develop as spirits in each tour of earthly experience. This also depends on the first drive i listed, afterall, no more humans, no more human experience to be had. The same goes for all the life forms at levels 'lower' than the human.


  • Satanus

    Course, it becomes the norm for society long after reproduction is acheived. Status and stuff become ends in themselves. Is that stupid?


  • prologos

    the jour-ney is just that, jour apres jour, it is also about JOY. we enjoy procreation, all aspects of it, its fruits. we enjoy work, creativity (not drudgery). we enjoy sleep, even the final one. IF and when we are ready. Observing other life-forms, even plants: they all seem to enjoy what they do well.

    blessed are those that enjoy thinking and spiritual things like music (not noise).

    But procreation is a proven tool of development and continuity and it tops them all.

    God is love , make it happen.

  • Satanus

    Creativity. Doing what we do best. They spring from the soul. They help us develop - be all we can be. Create something from nothing. Leave something where there was nothing, or a higher form that replaces a lower form. That is why freedom is so important.


  • insearchoftruth4

    Mots du sage, Satanus!...Prologos!..... optimistic, positive, spiritual, makes one feel good, let the wisdom flow to this thirsty soul. Merci, Merci...

  • Satanus

    Bien venu. Bon voyage a tois.


  • zeb

    and petrol is $1.64 a litre here.

  • Fernando

    Life seems to me to be about which map, path and destiny each of us eventually choose.

    It appears to be about the greatest legal custody battle ever - and which family we ultimately choose - that of our heavenly father or that of our evil step-father (the Devil).

    Religion (the tree of knowledge of good and bad) is an unreformable "snare and a racket" that leads to the "god of religion" and to eternal death.

    The generous "unabridged gospel" message, or the "full Good News" (the tree of life) leads to the "God of Abraham" and to eternal life.

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • JeffT

    Here you go, the whole thing in 52 seconds.

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