How did you explain it to them? How did they react?
Have you ever explain why the Watchtower strongly discourage higher education to non jws?
by Iamallcool 12 Replies latest jw friends
never a jw
It was explained to me by an elder. Just the typical stuff from the magazines These are the last days therefore focus on serving big J. In Universities sex, drugs, liquor runrampant. Higher education is pursued because people want fame, money, and prestige.
I said I intened to go into "the ministry".
My employer (who was offering to mentor me) said, "Well, we need some of them too, I suppose."
What a dumbshit I was!
Dumbshit - don't feel like the lone ranger.
The GB and their representatives perceive that the retention rate for those who go to college is low. They might not consciously understand why (that these young people are learning to think, study all sides of an issue, and take in many viewpoints and disciplines), however they see the results in some cases. Those who do not leave are said to be the “lucky ones” who had a brush with “death” and are not to be emulated.
Of course, I’ve known young people who did NOT go to college at all who end up leaving as well. If indeed the stats are correct that two out of three who are raised in the Org eventually leave, then it’s simplistic on the GB’s part to blame Education alone.
Conversions from the public “ministry” are a bust and are continually decreasing. Nowadays, I suspect most baptisms are probably young people—or at least family of JWs. With such a low retention rate, the GB is desperate to retain young ones, especially the “best and the brightest”.
Of course, young people are more encouraged to learn a trade. I bet if many Society reps had their way, everybody would be in a family business handed down from father to son. The Org gets fringe benefits of having members that can work for the RBC projects and give them free labor. And it means that a person’s livelihood is more tied to the Org—if that person leaves the Org, it might mean leaving the JW-owned business and leaving their means of living.
There is a sort of reverse snobbery among the JW culture. Those who do some sort of trade are highly prized and are viewed as skilled. Those who work in an office are viewed as unskilled and are somewhat disdained. I know I’ve felt this from JWs.
Dumbshit - don't feel like the lone ranger.
Yes, misery loves company.
Plenty of that company here, I suppose.
Good education gives you the ability to think critically.
That skill set is not allowed in a cult like the Watchtower.
Julia Orwell
I never explained it because I thought it was crud. I went to uni and told others to do the same if they wanted!!
Yes, I did. I was telling that JW look forward this order of things going down and don't think they should use any extra effort to learn new things in the current system. All they (we) need to learn for life in paradise is taught within the religion.
They were like OK sounds logical if you believe that way.
I have a woman in my building who is a JW for 30 or more years.
I only know her casually, not a friendly type at all,
cold and distant until she thinks you might be a potential
'study' I told her one day I knew all about JW's.
Peaked her interest. She asked how and
I said I lived with a JW (true) did not tell her I was
also and ex - pioneer. Witheld that info.
Then I asked her about several dubious doctrines
and dates that went wrong, she got all upset,
and then I asked her about Education ,
she got all excited and denied emphatically,
that the WT ever discourages college education.
She just lied. Which is typical of JW's.
Deception is a learned skill in the "organization"
I didn't reveal my full past to her, because to do so
would have blocked any further communication.
Was that deception ? probably so. Still, it is the tactic
of the JW to lure people in by talking about peace on earth
and denying any false teaching that their victims become aware of.