Getting Your Money Back From The Governing Body For Selling You A Worthless Bunch Goods

by frankiespeakin 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Well think about this for a minute what happens when one wills his property or something valueable to the Watch Tower Money Grabbing Corporation and then finds out the Corporation is all based on a crack pot delusion, how can you get your money back if you signed over a deed to them signed a will granting them that.

    And what about all our volunteer service to sell books and magazine for them free of charge without any reembersments?

    I mean could this open some interesting lawsuits against them? And what about all their outrageous lies and horrible treatment they inflict upon the leaveing disbeleiver there might be an angle of some sort of legal action but I'm not a lawyer but I see some legal recousre for money spent while serving the nonprofit corporation because of false advertisements in thier literature.

  • Satanus

    I don't see how that could happen. I have thought of adding up all the hours i spent in my life doing door to door sales for them, and assigning a dollar value and sending them a bill for the total.


  • ShirleyW

    "what happens when one wills his property or something valueable to the Watch Tower Money Grabbing Corporation"

    Key word "wills" as in collection at death,

    "and then finds out the Corporation is all based on a crack pot delusion,"

    Well, since whoever wrote the Will be in either Heaven or Hell, or whatever you believe in, I guess nothing will happen.

  • bsmart

    Wills can be changed, just don't get a JW lawyer.

  • steve2

    Why stop at the Governing Body? Why don't disillusioned Catholics sue the papacy or Mormons their elected leaders or any religious group for that matter? Why don't those whipped up by religious revivalism sue the BJesus out of the Charismatics when the fervor dies down or they feel that Christ is no longer present?

    Americans have turned suing into a veritable art form - some clever American needs to stir up their fellow Americans to sue for even more shoddy religious products.


    you could urge the too-willing-to-be-misled population to wise up, ditch the gullibility and wishful thinking, and get their brain cells working before the door bell rings. Please realize that the witnesses' message is embarrassingly simple-minded and that seemingly intelligent men and women willingly embraced it...raised in it or not.

  • kurtbethel

    Read the fine print. They didn't sell you paradise. They sold you a "prospect" of being in paradise.

    You sold yourself out for a freaking lottery ticket.

  • Mum

    No doubt the WT has harmed a lot of people, but mostly because we allowed them to. Children born into JW families are the most tragic victims of their inhumane policies. They are a corporation marketing themselves as a "religion," so they are protected from the consequences of ruining people's lives. In the U.S. at least, we have freedom of religion and freely chose to be JW's albeit perhaps without knowing exactly what we were getting into.

    A lot of people have lived a lie and bought into schemes, religious and otherwise. Usually, it's best to cut your losses and move on. I regret that I let myself be snookered by the JW's, but it was a phase I had to go through to learn some things and become more wary and less naive. I am just grateful that I didn't join Jim Jones' or David Koresh's cult, or Scientology. We are the lucky ones in certain respects.

    Most people who know anything about JW's would envy us the fact that they won't speak to us and don't want us in their bogus "religion."

  • frankiespeakin

    Well it just thought to think about.

  • sir82
    what happens when one wills his property or something valueable to the Watch Tower Money Grabbing Corporation and then finds out the Corporation is all based on a crack pot delusion, how can you get your money back

    Yes, I believe cadavers should have the right to sue from beyond the grave, in order to get their money back!

    Next year's new series on AMC: "Lawyers for the Walking Dead"

  • frankiespeakin

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