No more big District Conventions?
by serenitynow! 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My mom said some people will still have the big conventions . I used to look forward to seeing more people (cute brothers) at the DC. It's not special anymore if it's at the assembly hall.
It varies from place to place. Here, there were smaller DC in smaller circuit convention halls some years ago, but now they have changed to having bigger DC than we have had for many years.
SerenityNow! and sd-7 said:
there's a reason I don't use JW terminology most of the time. "Loaded language" is that reason. I don't generally like to use their words to describe things that in "regular language" would be something else. My departure was a very traumatic thing, so the fewer of their words I use, the better I feel.
I know it's not called a bulletin board. I don't give a crap.
ADCMS: I'm just playing with both of you! I really don't care what term is used either. Frankly, I always thought the Watchtower's obsession with semantics was funny. That's why I used WT "loaded language" in my comment- it highlights the whole approach as absurd, but JWs take it so seriously. I wasn't picking on either of you personally.
hamsterbait said:
Noolite memo on "BULLETIN" board?!!!!!! What was this?
Bulletin is from the italian "bulletino" or little notice, put up on a wall or church door. From the latin "bulla" or announcement.
What did the memo say?
ADCMS: The memo said Jehovah doesn't like the term "bulletin board". It's too worldly. Therefore, by Divine decree, henceforth "bulletin board" shall be known as "information board". God gave no reason- He works in mysterious (and trivial) ways, you know.
Apparently, semantics concerns god more than pedophiles, hedge funds and WT playing footsie with the United Nations for ten years.
They have three of them scheduled for the Tacoma Dome in July.
I wasn't picking on either of you personally.
Oh, well that's good. Surely you weren't picking on us! I figured you were jokin' around.
"Bulletin" is worse than you think, lol. I was told it was because it came from the catholic church, the Pope posting the papal bulls - thus bulletin. Wouldn't want to be contaminated with anything pagan, don't ya know.
wha happened?
I saw this earlier. Depending on the market, the GB will choose stadium or an assembly hall, or vice versa, depending on what brings in the most revenue. It's a corporation after all
bats in the belfry
Bulletin Board? What bulletin?
One of the first bulletin ever:
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed to the church door at Wittenberg 95 theses (protests) exposing wrong teachings of the church.