Isn't that something? In the early 80's Raymond Franz had already exposed the embarrassing fact that all of the annointed around the globe aren't really "represented" by the Governing Body as everyone around that time was led to believe (by what had been published up to that time). When Ray finally brought this to light (in Crisis of Conscience), the GB practically went into radio silence on this subject, then waited only 3 years after Ray's death to admit that they consider only themselves worthy enough to hold the FDS title. Narcisistic power-hungry cowards!
Cowardly Governing Body waits 3 years after Raymond Franz death to publish NuLite on FDS
by Calebs Airplane 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I doubt anyone on the current GB even knew Ray personally - he was booted out over 30 years ago, and 30 years ago no one on the current GB would have been higher up than CO, if that.
What seems more likely is that with the death of the last of the "old guard" (Jaracz & Barr) in the past few years, the massive ego of these guys is prompting them to come up with ways to put their own "stamp" on the "JW legacy".
Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not - the ideas are theirs, and will last for the next few decades.
Yep, they just want to be "on the clock" when Jah brings Armageddon, thus supposedly proving that they were the ones who were right.
Too bad Armageddon will never happen, meaning we will see another round of this in a few decades.
I doubt they ever think about Ray Franz, unless some apostate gets to them somehow.
I really don't think Ray Franz had anything to do with it, it was more I believe a case of the enormous amount of information
being publicly exposed toward the lies and corruption of the organization and of its history, that the GB just wanted to reconfirm
their power and control within the organization. Simple and logical deduction.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
I too doubt Ray's death had anything to do with it. It had already been de facto for many years, and now was an opportunity to make it de jure. If anything, what Ray said would have been a reason not to officially change the doctrine as it would have confirmed that what he had been saying was correct all along. My speculation would be that with the growing number of anointed partakers in recent years, the GB had been flooded with unwanted and uninvited advice from people who truly believed they were a part of the FDS channel. Some more assertive ones might have tried to get a firmer answer as to why this 'new light' was not being considered, and the GB just decided to come out with it and permanantly disconnect the anointed ones from Bethel and elsewhere from the FDS label.
An Elder, one of the Stars of Revelation, had this remarkable insight about Raymond Franz. He said, " He thought mowing your lawn was worship. He hated the preaching work, that is why he became an apostate." What is said from one magazine to the next is an eternity for dubs, so who would even think about events of 30 years ago?
You have to care to do research. If you are under the delusion that you have " the truth ", then you see no need to think further.
The wts has always wanted the power and control the catholic church has, ie, they have a pope. Now they have Popes too and what they decree will be law.
In the successful science community (or the patent process) a new paper, application would never be accepted if you do not cite prior art, all seminal work by others.
here shamelessly information is claimed as original, when in fact all these ideas and better ones were available to them from many sources, letters they should have kept on file.
In the real world, all this would be rejected, as of course will be in due time, by NEWER LIGHT or Reality catching up with them.
The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.
*** w11 8/15 p. 22 Questions From Readers *** -
My speculation would be that with the growing number of anointed partakers in recent years, the GB had been flooded with unwanted and uninvited advice from people who truly believed they were a part of the FDS channel.
I think thats a good point since the WTS. are failing on previous doctrines and the excuses are getting ominously weak, there may have been
recognized anointed ones who have been pressuring for explanations and perhaps changes levied toward the GB members.
A step to solidify the power of the GB was perhaps necessary to themselves for themselves.