I mentioned in a thread some weeks ago ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/244078/1/First-public-talk-as-an-apostate ), that I was invited to give a talk at a symposium about cults. This will take place at the first weekend in May.
I'm going to talk about the difficulties you have to face when leaving the jw.
Yesterday I've got an another invitation to speak to a senior year class in a middle school. It'll be one hour of information about jw and cults in general followed by two hours for questions and discussion.
It is very exciting to get the opportunity to speak to an audience about what you've expierenced while beeing in the cult, and what happened when you left.
When you leave the jw after more than forty years like I did, you have to invent yourself anew. You have to find new goals and you have to make the decision if you want to leave all the cult bs behind or make something usefull out of what you've experienced. It seems to me, at least at the moment, that the best for me is to stand up and speak out. Not only at the internet, but in real life to real people.
Just wanted to share this.