Quotes we no longer believe about being Appointed Over All Christ's Belongings

by Splash 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    *** w09 2/15 p. 24 par. 3 They “Keep Following the Lamb” ***

    He has also appointed the slave “over all his belongings.” (Matt. 24:45-47) These “belongings” include the growing “great crowd” of “other sheep.” (Rev. 7:9; John 10:16) Should not individual members of the anointed and the “other sheep” trust the slave appointed over them? There are many reasons why the slave class deserves our trust. Two outstanding reasons are: (1) Jehovah trusts the slave class. (2) Jesus also trusts the slave.

    *** w09 2/15 p. 26 par. 9 They “Keep Following the Lamb” ***

    Moreover, Jesus Christ has appointed the faithful and discreet slave “over all his belongings”—all Kingdom interests on earth. (Matt. 24:47) Included among these belongings are the facilities at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, at branch offices in various lands, and at Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls worldwide. Included too is the work of Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making. Would anyone assign someone he did not trust to keep and use his valuable things?

    *** w98 12/15 p. 14 par. 17 Salvation Belongs to Jehovah ***

    Another reason why God saves his people is that they obey him and his Son... Suddenly, the Romans withdraw for no apparent reason. What will Jewish Christians do? In his Ecclesiastical History (Book III, chapter V, 3), Eusebius says that they fled from Jerusalem and Judea. They were spared because they obeyed Jesus’ prophetic warning. Are you as quick to comply with Scriptural guidance provided through “the faithful steward” appointed over all of Jesus’ “belongings”?

    *** w07 4/1 p. 22 par. 5 Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave ***

    “On arriving” to inspect the “slave” in 1918, Christ found a spirit-anointed remnant of faithful disciples who since 1879 had been using this journal and other Bible-based publications to provide spiritual “food at the proper time.” He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or “slave,” and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings.

    *** w93 5/1 p. 17 par. 6 Expanded Activities During Christ’s Presence ***

    The Lord Jesus was pleased, and in 1919 he pronounced that faithful approved slave class happy. What was the slave’s delightful reward for doing what his Master had appointed him to do? A promotion! Yes, larger responsibilities were given in advancing his Master’s interests. Since the Master was now a heavenly King, why, then, his earthly belongings became even more precious.

    *** w75 2/1 p. 79 A Fine Reward for Faithfulness ***

    Certainly this “great crowd,” spiritually fed by the “slave” class, are part of the Master’s “belongings.” He has proved that he can safely reward his “slave” class with the greatest responsibility on earth at this time.

    *** w71 12/15 p. 750 par. 10 Theocratic Organization with Which to Move Forward Now ***

    The facts of modern history show that in the year 1919 he revived these much afflicted disciples and gathered them together in a united body.

    *** w58 1/15 p. 46 par. 19 Overseers in Apocalyptic Times ***

    Since 1919 this “faithful and discreet slave,” who is a composite person made up of all anointed Christian joint heirs of Jesus Christ, has been taking care of “all his belongings” on earth. The slave has been faithfully giving out the spiritual, Biblical food at the proper time, so that there is no spiritual famine among the Christian witnesses of Jehovah. To make this “faithful and discreet slave” class equal to their heavy responsibilities in these last days, God through Christ has poured out his spirit upon them in these last days, in complete fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.

    *** w57 6/15 p. 370 par. 7 Overseers of Jehovah’s People ***

    Yes, particularly since 1919 has it been true that he has appointed the collective body of the anointed remnant over all the visible interests of the Kingdom. The “slave” then became responsible not only for ministering to the needs of the anointed body members but also for taking on the responsibility of preaching the good news of the established Kingdom to people of all nations. (Matt. 24:14) Such is true not by their determination of it, but because God himself has so directed. “God has set the members in the body, each one of them, just as he pleased,” is the way it is pictured in 1 Corinthians 12:18 (NW). It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the “slave” as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision.


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Perfect addition to my list of comments I want to have ready for my family and friends, once they read the new article. Thank you!!!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I can't find in the new magazine where they are saying "We were wrong about alot of things, what we told you twenty years ago is no longer valid". This is a political method employed by professional writers who hope their audience either don't read or remember what their pundit said three months ago. Look how well that worked for Mitt Romney at one point of the Race, the Society is writing this article like it's some type of addition to a problem they have been working on diligently and now they have all the "proofs" and "theorms" to prove they are correct. No theorms or proofs are there for any of the scholars on JWN to examine and test "Revelation 2:1-4".

    The reader of the July Watchtower come's across feeling the Governing Body were experimenting with Magic Mushrooms.

    Why does the Watchtower refuse to address the fact they were so far out in left field, way up in the bleechers, they never say the spiritual baseball Jesus threw their way?

    I see no indication of remorse or any attempt at explaining why this new light is being printed and blended up for public indigestion. What's up with that? Is there any reason why they are pretending they never wrote the article in 2009 and before? Just Ignore The Facts Smallville!

  • Phizzy

    It begs the question when did "Da Truuf" as the JDubs call it, become the Truth ?

    Was that Truth in those quoes from 1957 to 2009 ? It cannot be, as it has been replaced,

    Truth does not change or get replaced, error and lies do !

  • Splash

    The changes to doctrine in the July WT impact such long held and fundamental JW teachings, that I couldn't even begin to list the magazines and books which are now old light.

    Being inspected in 1918/19, being appointed over all Christs belongings, and references to the FDS are such favourite topics, I would guess that EVERY book has some reference to these, therefore EVERY book now contains old light. Actually there is no such thing as 'old light', really it's 'darkness' or 'non-truths'. What's another word for a non-truth?

    I said to a family member recently that once we have studied these articles, no-one in the congregation will know what they believe anymore.


  • Splash
  • Splash

    If the Great Crowd are no longer their belongings, and their only job is just to feed the domestics and nothing more, do you think they will lighten up on the OBEY OBEY OBEY?

    If the K.Halls and Assembly Halls are no longer their belongings, will they give them back to the local congregations, or will they continue to seize them from the congregations like at Menlo Park?

    BTW I love the contradiction between one of the above WT quotes and the Bible:

    w57 6/15 p. 370 par. 7 Overseers of Jehovah’s People

    It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision.

    (Php 2:5, 6) Keep this mental attitude in YOU that was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.


  • Ding

    Many JWs will yawn at the "new light" and say, "Isn't this what we believed all along?" or "What difference does this make?"

    Quotes like the ones in this thread show how much the GB undercut its own supposed authority when it came out with this "new light."

    Many JWs will never wake up, but some will.

    Yet most will not see anything at all in this change unless we ask the relevant questions and ask them for answers.


    Nice. So now they are just in charge of the " domestics." After an unknown period of time ( according to the new charts on another thread) the GB will be raptured and will then be over the domestics and the belongings. The important thing to take away is this:


    This really stood out and seems to explain the change of doctrine:

    w09 2/15 p. 26 par. 9 They "Keep Following the Lamb" ***

    Moreover, Jesus Christ has appointed the faithful and discreet slave "over all his belongings"-all Kingdom interests on earth. (Matt. 24:47) Included among these belongings are the facilities at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, at branch offices in various lands, and at Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls worldwide. Included too is the work of Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making. Would anyone assign someone he did not trust to keep and use his valuable things?

    Now all these belongings are not associated with the GB/FDS. Sneaky........

  • sir82

    "Truth" is, quite literally, utterly irrelevant in "the truth".

    But calling it "the obedience" doesn't have the same ring to it.

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