I have been told Jehovah's Witnesses have made many Prophesies, and none have come true. Is that true?
Prophesies True or False?
by PJoseph 19 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
Yes. Search button is your friend....
Can you tell me which were made, and did not come true?
PJoseph I see you are new to the board.
Here's an interesting thread discussing the subject already. I'll post a link and you can just click on it.
It is from this same board and highlights some of the failed "Expectations" (Prophecies)
It is in no way complete or exhaustive in its details but does list some of them and there are/were more but that sholud give you a starting point.
And do keep researching it. Remember keep knocking and it will be opened to you, keep seeking and you shall find.
And then you will get to were you know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Is this a Jehovah Witness run forum?
So many new people to the board. PJoseph, how did you find us, and what made you start thinking on your own a little?
It's a forum that shows the truth about what the Jehovah's witnesses teach
PJoseph Welcome.
You ask -
Is this a Jehovah Witness run forum?
There are people of all sorts here.
May I enquire why you ask?
Much of the WTS. prophesy (Doctrines) were deviously concocted doctrines to commercialize and proliferate their own published literature.
Its called charlatanism and it flourishes unstrained in the United States.
The two most prominent frauds/prophecies expressed by this religious organization, would have to be 1914 and 1975,
both by theological standards were unscripturally supported but certainly held their value as marketing schemes for this religious publishing house.