Author Tom Magstadt Phd. who has written among other works- 'An Empire If You Can Keep It' has been chronicling American trends for decades.
'Angry White Guys: The Roots Of Reactionary America' explores a specific period in American history, 1960-1980, the defeat of Richard Nixon to the election of Ronald Reagan. He takes as a contrast the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which were destroyed by nuclear bombs, and now thrive a industiral centers to cities like Detroit which are on the verge of bankruptcy and asks- why.
The era of Ike Eisenhower seems tame and agreeable (if one ignors the racial subjugation) and seen through the author's eyes as one where Democrats and Republicans got along. Not any longer. There is open visceral anger now in the halls of our elected officals and in the streets of American cities. Who lost power who won and who wants what use to be.
Most of the Tea Party issues are a red herring to the author, it goes deeper. During a twenty year run the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Environmental Act, Women's Rights etc remade American society, and many now want to change all of that power shift. This shift in power is likened to the women who worked in the military arms factories in WWII only to return (forced) to the domestic life afterwards, men needed their power identity back at all costs. Life in the 1950s had to look and feel a certain way, and it did it by economic force. A complete package was sold to the American people and only the radical change of rebellion in the 60s broke the grip of the power elite who had control of the 'imagine' you saw everyday on your TV screen, Radio program, Billboards plastered across every highway and newspapers that came to your home selling 'America'.
America was North Korea with bunny slippers and a smoking jacket, a suburban home with green lawn and swimming pool, and a Ford or GM car in the garage.
Now more elite wealthy individuals and more groups vie for your mind, your wallet, your choices and everyone is angry and just starting to learn why all over again.