A 3 phase great tribulation.?? Has anybody else heard this before? July 15 2013 Watchtower

by SeekingTheRealTruth 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SeekingTheRealTruth

    Mad Sweeney-I completely understand where you are coming from. It is sickening to read some of this stuff. The only reason I'm doing it now is because of most of my family and friends are still in..but as of a couple months ago 2 other family members are slowly coming out and I'm excited to do more research again to try and reason with them.

  • NeonMadman

    The present teaching - that the Tribulation is still entirely future - was "new light" given at the 1969 International Assemblies, where I was baptized.

  • UnConfused

    @Data-Dog & XYZ - very funny!

  • SeekingTheRealTruth

    Hamsterbsit & ucantnome..tnx for the references!

  • Ucantnome

    In the Watchtower article that I mentioned in my last post I found the statement on page 53 in paragraph 13 that interested me.

    "Then the time interval between the opening part of the 'great tribulation' and the closing Armageddon part thereof will prove to be around five times as long as the length of the 'great tribulation' itself."

    From the article, particularly paragraph 9, I understand the belief was that the tribulation started in 1914 and ran to 1918 and God stopped the First World War. This I think was the opening part. About 4 year. (paragraph 8, page 52)

    In paragraph 10 it mentions that chronology had been reexamined and the end of six thousand years of man's life on earth was to end during the 1970's.

    Between the January 1970 and the fall of 1975 was about 6 years. Add these 6 to the 4 years of the First World War and you have 10. Five times that gives you 50. In paragraph 11 it mentions it has already been 51 years from the 1918.

    The quote "Then the time interval... will prove to be around five times as long as the length of the 'great tribulation' itself" Seems to me to be an example of expecting Armageddon in 1975.

  • Larsinger58

    Well, what can you say? 1914 is based on 607 BCE which is the wrong date for the fall of Jerusalem. The true date is 529 BCE.

    But having said that, the WTS doesn't understand that the "great tribulation" of Matthew is not the same "great tribulation" of Revelation. One occurs before Christ's return and the other after! The "great tribulation" that was cut short mentioned in Matthew was the HOLOCAUST, not Armageddon.

    So the WTS is clueless in this case, so I'll leave it at that.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Jeepers! I thought a major teaching had flown right over my head. My father dragged us into JWs in 1972, so we didn't learn the old 3-phase GT thing.

  • Glander

    3 phase high voltage reduces the required amperage to operate an electrical device.

    Never play poker with these goofs, they write the rules as they go.

  • prologos

    of course when they got rid of the "Cut short in the middle" Great Tribulation (like a 2x4 cut and the spread apart),

    wt had to accomodate the OUT of the GT, so they changed the reading to _THROUGH the GT", for they still (wrongly) claim the the Great Crowd exists now. also

    the wt of April 15 1995 "question from readers" states:"--Rev.7:9 is describing the Great Crowd AFTER the great tribulation---" {only}

    so one mistake required coverups upon coverups it's


    watergate. not tricky Dick, tricky Charles, Freddy et al.

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