Is there new info coming out in June Watchtower about how to treat families?
What did I miss? New twist on a very old song, SHUNNING?
by freeflyingfaerie 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
17 Disfellowshipping is another type of discipline from Jehovah. It protects the congregation from a bad influence and can play a role in the sinner’s recovery. (1 Cor. 5:6, 7, 11) Robert was disfellowshipped for nearly 16 years, during which time his parents and siblings firmly and loyally applied the direction in God’s Word to quit mixing in company with wrongdoers, not even greeting such ones. Robert has been reinstated for some years now and is progressing well spiritually. When asked what moved him to return to Jehovah and His people after such a long time, he replied that the stand that his family took affected him. “Had my family associated with me even a little, say to check up on me, that small dose of association would have satisfied me and likely not allowed my desire for association to be a motivating factor to return to God.” ~~~~w13 6/15 pp.24-28 (Bold, mine)
Thanks a lot "Robert"...for basically saying 'thank you guys for shunning me those 16 years, your abusive treatment of me is what made me want to come back..and I'm so grateful. What a horrible wrongdoer/sinner/bad influlence I was...but now I have returned to God all because I was treated as a leper.' What a bunch of malarkey!
About my original post~ I saw a mention on a thread of new treatment of df'd family members....I don't think this is it...if there is something I missed, please share, I'm curious...
I believe this is the third time in three years this same story with a few name changes etc, has been shown in the WT. UGH
I would venture to say that shunning has just the opposite effect for the majority of us. Why in the world would I want to go back to a religion that promotes the cultlike cutting off of family?
And at this point, taking into account what I've learned about the organization since leaving, even if family weren't shunned there's no way I'd go back. -
nonjwspouse~ they need some new material, right?
Steve C~ Same here. The shunning aspect is only the tip of the iceberg.
If there is something new regarding how to treat us vile creatures, I can't imagine what it could much more severe it could possibly get than it already is.
If they already wont' talk to us, be there for us in an hour of need, remove us from their wills...what's left?
Well, it's a good thing that Robert didn't die during those 16 years; his family may have never known.
rocketman~ That was funny and sad! I've often wondered that very thing. My family didn't even know I'd moved states till months later. I could have been rotting in a basement somewhere while they were merrily singing "We must have the Faith"
I think it's funny that, if an active JW falls on hard times then they say the Devil is targeting him, but if a DF'd one falls on hard times, it's because he no longer has blessings from Jehovah. It's stupid.
They've been harping and harping on this subject lately.
''Don't associate with DF'd relatives."
"Don't communicate with DF'd relatives. Not even an email, now! Y'hear?"
"Hey! We said don't do that! What are you, deaf or something?"
"Listen you morons, if you soften on your DF'd loved ones, you are disloyal scum and we'll kick your a$$ to the curb so fast it'll make your head spin."
"Okay, okay, we'll try positive reinforcement since you don't seem to be getting the point. Robert, here, was deprived of familial love for 16 years before he cracked. See what good can come of unspeakable cruelty? If his family can do it (and notice we didn't mention that any of them were elders or otherwise better than your sorry a$$) you can do it too!"
What's next? "If you so much as nod at a DF'd relative you are in league with the Devil and we will burn you at the stake."
JWOP~ So true! Anything and everything to support the matrix of lies
Cupcake(can I call you that, lol?)~ That's good!!
Recently an exchange of good ol' fashioned letters, via snail mail, was made between my mother and I. She wrote a 1 pager. It was actually kind and had heart, even if unintentionally condescending. Damn. I love my family. It's the religion, not the individuals in it that are a big fat lie. Make this religion go away...just make it go away..