Been lurking here for years but finally decided to come out, at least partially. Of all things, the post of 'bats in the belfry' re: the supposed break up of GB member Geoffrey Jackson and his cute (ex-?) fianc ée a few days ago spurred me to do so. What struck me was the party line on engagements breaking up in the 75 WT. One line reads:
'Or, during that period, the man might participate in some serious wrongdoing, perhaps becoming drunk, engaging in some immorality or seriously dishonest act.'
Is it just me or did anyone else pick up on the 'seriously dishonest act'? This is an unintended admission to the fact that, in the borg's view, a dishonest act is not always dishonest. In their mind dishonesty has levels of seriousness, likely b/c they are so accustomed to lie and lie. Many of these lies are not only OK, but are officially sanctioned. An engagement can be broken only if such lying is serious. This is all quite an admission, isn't it? Of course, THEY would never admit this, but we know...
As for me I have to be careful. After years of faithful service and putting up with degrees of realization of TTAT, I quitely faded after gradually relinquishing my responsibilities. They still call on me, trying to activate me, but like so many others I cannot continue to brainlessly parrot the party line when I don't believe so much of it any more. Nor can I explain my true feelings to the high-powered bro. who has been assigned to call on me, one of the kindest elders I have met (he's soooo loyal). I'd rather not get DFed for that most serious of crimes, disagreeing with the GB. It's really rather remarkable that you could be an axe-murderer, a cannibal, or a child rapist but all those crimes pale in comparison with that wickedest of sins, apostasy, isn't it?
Anyway, I want to be careful so I don't get cut cut off from family and friends. I'm sure many here will understand. Maybe I'll post here some more from time to time.