Committee Chairman: tell us about yourself
by crmsicl 28 Replies latest jw friends
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Just want to say Welcome and it looks like you have a lot of good information to share.
Wow. I wasn't expecting this. I'll try to explain my background in a way that is helpful but which protects my identity and explains why I'm here and why I started posting.
So, I've been reading this forum for a number of years as a guest. In the beginning, it was mainly because (as is the case with a few other forums like this) I could get information about upcoming events within the organization faster than I could anywhere else. What's interesting is that other elders who serve on the body where I do come up with the same information at about the same time I do, so I'm convinced that at least one of them is reading this same forum. Unsure as to whether he is an active poster here, but based on his style of writing it is unlikely. In any case, after a while I saw posts that were directed to elders or others who could answer questions that some of you here deperately needed answers to. As a guest, I couldn't post an answer and some of the stories here are just heartbreaking. So, I decided to go ahead and join under an alias mainly to post answers to those questions in an effort to help.
I don't consider myself an apostate or fader, I've got many decades wrapped up in being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't always like what the governing body is doing or how they approach things, however, I'm not so arrogant as to believe that I know better. Also, I recognize that they are not perfect. The governing body members I've met seem like they want to do the right thing even if they don't get it right all the time. I've served as a elder for some decades and have responsibility on many levels of the organization and still do. We'll leave it at that for the moment because I am well aware that if I were to be identified, regardless of what I post here, I would risk losing all privileges and potentially being disfellowshipped. I think the risk is worth it though to be of assistance to some of you dear people here on this forum.
I don't always agree with what is going on in the organization and I don't always follow directions. However, I am mainly in this to help people. By carefully explaining what the yoke of Christian discipleship is really about, many individuals I work with have their loads lightened. Guilt is not necessary. Those who preach it from the stage? Ignore them. You can decide to ignore elders and others in positions of responsibility who go "beyond the things written".
I think that a time of major adjustment is coming for Jehovah's Witnesses. In my opinion, much of what we believe is solidly based on the Bible. I view some of what is happening with doctrinal changes and lots and lots of rules about small things as an overcorrection that will probably be rectified in time.
I know that there will be lots of folks that disagree with what I've written here and that will object to my chosen course as hypocrisy and support for an organization that they view as "evil". That's OK with me. They are entitled to their opinions. I don't plan to change my approach though...I've been able to make many people's lives more tolerable and that's that I live for.
Thanks, I respect that personally.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome! Glad you're here with us.
Thanks for the intro/explanation sir ! I want to shorten your screen name as I do for most here, but "Commie" just doesn't sound right !
I respect your position, I acted in a similar way to yourself when I was an active JW, though at the time I had no Internet forums etc that I had visited, so I only had my own bible knowledge to tell me what was wrong about the WT teachings.
I too tried to help the bros and sisters to see that serving God and Christ was not the difficult burden that the WT makes it. I too felt that it was Jehovah's organization, just with a few things wrong.
I wonder, which are the teachings that you feel are solidly based on what the Bible actually says ? Perhaps we could discuss those please ?
That way we do not need to cover what you already see as "going beyond".
Doubting Bro
Welcome!! Looking foward to your input.