BBC Panorama has just broadcast an undercover documentary on North Korea.
John Sweeney - who previously went postal on Scientologist Tommy Davis - joined a group from the London School of Economics to secretly film inside the country.
The film showed hospitals with no patients, farms with no fields or animals and factories with modern looking equipment sitting idle. The electricity works sporadically. The public-address system that spews official propaganda is everywhere.
Sweeney interviewed experts including the former British ambassador and dissidents in exile.
The similarities to life in the Watchtower were striking. One commentator said that people are brain-washed from the womb. You think you can have a normal conversation with them and then suddenly they start spouting official state propaganda like robots.
It is remarkable that there are not more North Koreans who have taken opportunities to escape to the South. Many ordinary North Koreans acknowledge the problems of life in the DPRK but blame all of their difficulties on America. Hatred for the USA and South Korea is extreme. The ruling family are gods. Kim Il-sung died in '94 but is still considered the Eternal President. Visitors are expected to bow before his statue.
Sweeney remarked that it is "like living inside a Doomsday Cult".
Interestingly the portraits of Marx and Lenin have been removed from the main square in Pyongyang. It is no longer considered a communist state by some but rather an extreme right-wing Nationalist state in the style of Nazi Germany of the 30s.
If you live in the UK please check it out on IPlayer.