JWs and Blood Transfusions

by MavMan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle

    jehovah's Witnesses do not 'follow God's law' in calling for the death of innocent children some as young as a few days old. What they can be demonstrating as following is:

    the threat of Expelling/Shunning!!!

    That you can take to the bank.

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • detective

    Again you miss the point, yoyo.

    You are trying to derail the validity of the argument against watchtower blood policy by doing two things:
    1)saying that blood transfusions will not necessarily save lives
    2)by saying that witness refusal to have transfusions has contributed to modern medicines exploration of blood alternatives

    Both points, unfortunately, are irrelevent to the concern over watchtower policy.

    You have admitted that:

    *there are no blood fractions in the bible

    And yet you would have us believe that some blood parts, after fractioning, are no longer blood. At the same time, some blood parts after being fractioned remain "blood" and are therefore unacceptable to God.

    Just a reminder... there are no blood fractions in the bible.

    So, Mavman, why does God want hemophiliacs to live but Leukemia patients to die?

  • TD


    A word of advice:

    Try to rise above the JW tendancy of reducing the entire issue to only one of red cells in scheduled surgery Besides the fact that blood loss can be catastrophic enough in trauma cases and emergency surgery that the attendant medical personnel are left with little other choice besides let the patient die, there are many other common uses of blood in medicine.

    My daughter for example needed to be hospitalized a few years ago because a common prescription medication had attacked her platelets, reducing her count to < 2 in one weekend. A normal platelet count would have been somewhere between 180 and 400.

    In your research, have you come across any preparations that will duplicate the function of platelets? You’re not likely to.

    They do have a scriptural basis for abstaining from blood.
    If by “Scriptural basis” you are referring to the fact that the phrase apechesthai.....to hematos does appear in the book of Acts, bear in mind that unlike you, the Bible does not invoke this phrase as an independent construction in the absence of a prior context. Besides the fact that abstinence from an object (and an integral part of your body, no less) is a meaningless concept, it would be blatantly ungrammatical.

    You do realize this don’t you?


  • AGuest

    Dearest MavMan... may you have peace!

    May I share with you what I heard from my Lord on this matter? Thank you! First, let me say to you that age 10, my son underwent major evasive surgery... without blood... and I do believe that my Father, JAH, came to our aid in that matter. But that is another story.

    I was driving along one day, and my Lord spoke to me, saying, "The life is in the blood... the life is in the blood." Okay, I thought, yeah, that's true. At least, that's what's written so, okay. And he repeated it to me several times.

    He then asked me, "Did I not give my life for you?" To which I replied, "Yes, of course, Lord." (Please note that I do not recall the conversation word for exact word anymore... but this is the gist of it). He then asked me, "Would YOU not give YOUR life on behalf of YOUR brother?"

    Now, the "right" answer would, of course, be, "Yes, Lord." But I know better than to try and fool holy spirit, so I think I responded something to the effect that yes, I would WANT to, or would HOPE I would want to, etc. He then said again, "The life is in the blood, the life is in the blood."

    THEN he said, "No one has greater love than this, that he should give his life on behalf of his friends. If I gave MY life for you, you, too, should give YOUR life... for your brother."

    His point? That although I am to 'abstain from blood', that is, not EAT/DRINK blood (a thing sacrificed to idols), that to withhold MY life... my blood from MY brother... would not be love. So, of course, I wanted to know how this worked, whether I was to go and DONATE blood. The answer was "no".

    However, what I AM to do is, if I see my brother in need of ANYTHING, and it is within my power to give it... even my LIFE... then my Father wants MERCY... and not sacrifice. Sacrifice would require me to abstain from giving MY life by means of giving my blood: a 'sacrifice' under law. However... MERCY... would dictate that I GIVE my life... on behalf of my brother.

    For JAH knows the HEART of a man: He will know that the intent was NOT to eat something sacrificed to an idol... but to give LIFE... to save life.

    I do not share this with you to put you 'under law' as to what YOU should do in this event. I have only shared with you what my Lord has directed ME. If, therefore, I knew that you, my brother, were in need of blood in order to keep living, and MY blood would help to that end... I would give it. And then I would ask my Father to pardon my error, by means of Christ, and ask the Christ to 'cover' my error by means of cleansing me with HIS blood... holy spirit.

    And I know that he would. Why? First, because what I would have done, I would have done out of LOVE... and LOVE... 'covers a MULTITUDE... of transgressions'. Second, because... he 'WANTS' to.

    Peace and long life to you, MavMan.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • DanTheMan

    My feeling about the blood issue is that most J-dubs just accept it as part of the package and hope that it never becomes an issue for them (and it usually doesn't, the vast majority of people never get a transfusion in their life). The blood issue was one of the things that helped me see how the WT is a classic case of out-of-control religious authority/arrogance. Oh, how I bet they wish they had never come up with that one. Just one of the myriad of ways that the WT "shuts up the kingdom of heaven before men", to paraphrase a scripture whose location I am too lazy to look up right now.

  • Mister Biggs
  • Solace

    Dont get me started.
    Read my bio.

    How can you still preach this blood doctrine?
    It is so bogus!

    There are blood components in breastmilk that the W.T.S does not permit in transfusions. What are they going to do, disfellowship all J.W. nursing mothers? Better yet, disfellowship all J.W.s who were ever breastfed?

    Leviticus 3:17
    Yes the bible says to abstain from blood but it also says to abstain from fat. Do you currently have any fat in your diet? I believe it is a personal choice what is to be taken literal in the scriptures but I think the W.T.S has crossed the line. Belief in a religious doctrine should never be a cause of death.

  • Solace

    What about all the people who have died because the W.T.S used to forbid organ transplants and immunizations?
    Guess what? oops! new light! They now permit them.
    I Guess they all died for nothing.
    And dont tell me "Oh they will be guaranteed a resurrection"
    I dont buy it.
    This is not a joke.
    People are dead.

  • Flip
    Oh, how I bet they wish they had never come up with that one.

    Look at the big picture, dan’. The WTBTS policy of refusing blood transfusions they came up with appeared quite reasonable during the medically risky forties and has stood them well over the years.

    It allowed the Organization to appear to stand out from the religious crowd. The persecution complex that was generated among publication consuming adherents who ‘bought it’ was worth its weight in gold.

    Today the policy is becoming so watered down only the really unfortunate trauma victim is at risk and just like them this once grand policy of ‘refusing’ blood transfusions will gradually drift into oblivion but the financial legacy it helped build will stand for some time.

    But, hey if a ‘few’ innocent, uninformed lives are shed so the business of American religion can get a leg up financially…well, that’s life.


  • chasson
    Many Witnesses, like myself, are and have been investigating alternative ways to blood transfusions. We follow Jehovah's law and see the wisdom in not accepting blood transfusions.

    What kind of wisdow ? Do you understand that in the 80's the blood products that your organisation had authorised (Factor VIII, albumin, immunoglobulin) at this time have the same problems than whole blood because they were not warmed before utilisation. Do you know that the present problem with CJV has been detected in a blood product (albumin) and not in a whole blood preparation ? From what are you protected exactly ? Now blood's product are safer than whole blood but before 1985 it was not the case ans it is still not the case with unknown virus !!

    Blood transfusions do not guarantee survival. This is a fact when we see the number of patients that have died even after being transfused.
    Do you know what medecine is ? All treatment of all kinds do not guarantee survival even simple treatment as aspirin could be dangerous in certains case. Second, transfusions must be proceed at a particular time, sometimes and for example in case where a JW is unconscious, it's too late.
    Doctors has never said that transfusion were miracles, for example in two case of LAM leukemia involving younf JW, transfusion would be life-saving at 70% (french's case of Rémi) or 50% (present case in Calgary)

    They do have a scriptural basis for abstaining from blood
    Prove it !!



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