Why do the WT DF for smoking ?
by Phizzy 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
because its a DF offense.
So you do not like anything more than the Printing company
Sorry, hit Enter without thinking.
The reason I ask is I wonder what the latest current teaching on this is ? I know that in the first instance back in the 60's and 70's they had some doubtful Etymological reasoning based on "Druggery" equals Spiritism ,which if you take to its logical conclusion would mean all "Pharmaceutical" products should be off limits to JW's.
If it is now based on the harmful to health aspects of smoking, what is their attitude to users of "E" cigarettes which deliver nicotine , in itself not very harmful, no more than say, caffeine ?
It is unneccessary since people would naturally want to shun a smoker since they stink. PU.
Because it tarnishes the "clean" image the WT marketers wish to project. The idea is join our group and be clean. However, God says that faith in Christ's blood, in substitute for our own shed blood, makes you clean:
These are they which ...have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.... Therefore are they before the throne of God... and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.... They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more... For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Phizzy, the reason you state regarding smoking being related to spiritism is one basis, and is still current. However, the primary reason used in disfellowshipping actions is this one:
The Bible does not mention tobacco, nor does it name the many other drugs that are abused in our day. But it does provide guidelines that have helped Jehovah’s Witnesses to determine what course of conduct would be pleasing to God. Thus, as far back as 1895, when the Watch Tower commented on use of tobacco, it directed attention to 2 Corinthians 7:1, which says: “Therefore, since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God’s fear.”
Long before government agencies agreed on the extent to which they should alert people to the harm from tobacco use, The Watchtower, in its issue of March 1, 1935, made it clear that no one who was a user of tobacco could be a member of the headquarters staff of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society or be one of its appointed representatives. After all servants in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses were appointed by the Society (which arrangement began in 1938), The Watchtower of July 1, 1942, stated that the prohibition on tobacco use also applied to all these appointed servants. In some areas a number of years passed before this was fully implemented. However, the majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses responded favorably to the Scriptural counsel and the good example of those taking the lead among them. As a further forward step in consistent application of that Bible counsel, none who were still smoking were accepted for baptism from 1973 onward. During the following months, those who were actively involved in tobacco production or in promoting the sale of tobacco were helped to realize that they could not continue to do that and be accepted as Jehovah’s Witnesses. The counsel of God’s Word must be applied consistently in every aspect of life. Such application of Bible principles to the use of tobacco, marijuana, and the so-called hard drugs has protected the Witnesses. With the use of the Scriptures, they have also been able to help many thousands of persons whose lives were being ruined by drug abuse. [Proclaimers book (jv) chap. 13 p. 180]
So if a person was in a practice of smoking (not just having tried it once or twice) and refused to stop, disfellowsipping would occur based on 2 Cor. 7:1 -
I think it originated as a legitimate doctrinal belief from a bygone era. They have no interest in changing it now because while bizarre, it is probably not even in the 10 doctrines they take the most heat for, so there would be little benefit from backtracking while adding to the long list of reversed doctrines.
I am not a smoker, nor do I much care for the smell of cigarette smoke. However, this is a legitimate question. It is well within the rights of any corporation to abolish smoking within the workplace. Many companies today do so, mainly to lower the cost of health insurance (at least here in the U.S.) However, smoking is not among the offenses listed at 1 Cor 5:11 or 1 Cor 6:9,10. The list of DF'ing offenses WTBS has is at least twice as long as the ones mentioned in these scriptures. No where in 2 Cor 7 does Paul say to expel someone from the congregation if this infraction is committed.
Thanks folks, I wasn't sure on what basis they would DF today for smoking.
The reason I ask about the electric "cigarette" is because it is not smoking and the law says it is O.K in places where actual smoking is banned here in the U.K
It is also no more of a "defilement of the flesh" than many products that JW's use without comment.
So what could a JC do, asked to reinstate a former smoker who has given up the ciggies but uses an electric ciggie ?
Claim he was using an addictive drug ? well yes, but no more so than the prescription sedatives most JW's in the K Hall are on, and as I said above, equivalent to caffeine use.
I think they would have a struggle if you stuck to your guns, and your electric ciggie, but they would probably say you are "not showing the works of repentance" by finding a substitute, so "no reinstatement for you smart arse E ciggie user."
The funny situation would be when someone "in good standing" began to use the E Ciggie , what then ? I suppose they would "counsel" you that you may be "stumbling" others, and if you continued they would DF you for ignoring their counsel, they've got you no matter how illogical or lacking scriptural support their stand is.